cover image: CLIMATE COMPATIBLE GROWTH – COP28 BLUE ZONE EVENT  - Accelerating the development of national knowledge


CLIMATE COMPATIBLE GROWTH – COP28 BLUE ZONE EVENT - Accelerating the development of national knowledge

28 Nov 2023

The motivation behind this paper stems from the formidable obstacles faced in planning long-term energy strategies for LMICs—challenges arising from limited national agency and poor international coordination. [...] The primary objective is to fortify large-scale, collaborative, and sustainable initiatives in long-term energy planning and climate change mitigation. [...] Developed in partnership with leading international organizations specializing in this field, the paper emphasizes the importance of collective efforts to navigate the challenges posed by climate change and energy planning in low- and middle-income countries. [...] Insight into collaborative efforts emphasizing the importance of addressing LTSEP challenges in LMICs to achieve climate and SDG goals (Yacob Mulugetta, Professor of Energy and Development Policy UCL and Coordinating Lead Author, Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change) Keynote Presentation (8 minutes): • How can the collaborative efforts outlined in this publication effectively overcome obstac. [...] Together the programme provides cutting-edge research and training to support the energy transition in low- and middle-income countries.


Vivien Foster

Published in
United Kingdom