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Investing in India

29 Nov 2023

Evidence of this of technology, manufacturing and is the availability of capital, but can be seen in the location of M&A defence deals aimed at improving diversification of the sources of fee revenue in a pointed reversal military and economic ties between that capital is also key to service of a market norm, where foreign the two countries. [...] As a The basic structure for protection of regulator with twin objectives of contractual rights under shareholder promoting Indian capital markets and agreements in India requires that regulating capital markets, it has over the terms of the shareholder have the protections of special rights time managed to walk this tightrope agreement are also included in the for as long as possible, up to the a. [...] Investors may also, through Depending on the stage at which THE ROLE OF A ‘PROMOTER’ dialogue with SEBI, get a the issuer received the pre-IPO A unique feature of the IPO determination of the company investment, information may process in India is the requirement having no promoter and being have been culled out of internal for an IPO-bound company to professionally managed. [...] THE IMPACT ON CO-INVESTORS Concentration limits and other In addition to LPs of the primary guardrails in the primary fund may fund, co-investors who participate restrict follow-on investments in the investment alongside the in the asset, whereas similar primary fund are also stakeholders restrictions do not apply in the case in exits to continuation funds. [...] In addition to selecting the seat of arbitration, foreign companies should also consider incorporating in their arbitration agreements the rules of some of the leading global arbitral institutions, such as the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, International Chamber of Commerce or the London Court of International Arbitration.
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United States of America