Over the years, we have is important to formulate a vision of the ideal future for the continued to act in accordance with the philosophy of serving whole of society, considering how to reconcile the differing we have pursued since our founding, which is encapsulated in visions and interests of various stakeholders, and to work our mission statement: “NTT DATA uses information technol- diligently. [...] By combining the ability to create that the by clients have to be developed on an individual-country former NTT DATA Group overseas operating companies basis in order to match the regulatory requirements and have built in the consulting and application areas with the business customs of the respective country. [...] In addition, the improvement of our brand value has need to maintain in order to receive opportunities to propose led the Company to be ranked sixth in the world in the IT solutions to global companies and to government agencies. [...] At the same time, we seek to cater to the robust demand seen centered on hyperscalers, and therefore Global Scale Sustainability Management plan to invest approximetaly ¥350.0 billion in data centers and to complete construction of more than 10 new data centers If we are to ensure the sustainability of the planet, the global in FY2023. [...] lishment of the DATA Communications Bureau of NTT was The first area of concern is whether we will be able to the first founding of NTT DATA, the Company’s separation effectively transform the business structures of NTT Ltd.
- Pages
- 118
- Published in
- Japan