cover image: Ethnicity pay gap at Wellcome - Ethnicity Pay Gap Trend


Ethnicity pay gap at Wellcome - Ethnicity Pay Gap Trend

27 Nov 2023

As a global average hourly rates of pay for people from racially charity working with researchers and others minoritised groups and white people employed in across many different countries and cultures, our organisation, expressed as a percentage of the inclusion and equity are essential to our average rate for people from racially minoritised success, while the greatest opportunities for groups. [...] rates at Wellcome have gone up by 3% since last year For the purpose of this report, we have categorised and data disclosure rates have increased substantially ethnicity as either “ethnic minority” or “non-ethnic since April 2022, there is still more work to be done for minority” as this reflects the terminology used by the our ethnicity pay gap data to better reflect the reality data analysts we. [...] The ethnicity pay gap is not the same as equal pay, which is ensuring that that people from racially Median and mean minoritised groups and white people in similar ethnicity pay gaps 2023 positions receive comparable pay. [...] Ethnic make-up of What Wellcome is doing now Wellcome’s pay quartiles 2023 Combined with other data we have collected, our ethnicity pay gap confirms we have more to do to support the recruitment, retention and Ethnic minority 19.2% development of people from racially minoritised groups at Wellcome, especially at senior levels. [...] Interim CEO of Wellcome Ethnicity pay gap at Wellcome Ethnicity Pay Gap Trend Our ethnicity pay gap Median and mean ethnicity pay gaps 2023 Ethnic make-up of Wellcome’s pay quartiles 2023 What Wellcome is doing now In 2023, we have: Next steps include:.
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