cover image: Mixed Migration Review 2023 - Highlights  Interviews  Essays  Data - Regional issues through regional perspectives


Mixed Migration Review 2023 - Highlights Interviews Essays Data - Regional issues through regional perspectives

27 Nov 2023

policy or position of the Danish Refugee Council or any of the donors supporting the development of this report or the work of The editors would like to thank the essayists and interviewees MMC in general. [...] And in the European context, the co-occurrence of the announcement by the EU of strengthened cooperation on migration with Tunisia and the mass expulsion of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to remote and desolate areas on Tunisia’s border with Libya and Algeria speaks loudly to the price that states are willing to pay to stem arrivals. [...] Within a week after the Dutch and Italian prime towards Southeast Asia across the Andaman Sea, ministers and the EU president announced the signing between Comoros and Mayotte, in the Gulf of Aden of a €1 billion migration deal with Tunisia, alarming between the Horn of Africa and Yemen, and in the footage emerged of Tunisian security forces pushing Caribbean off Haiti. [...] more effective way to achieve that ambition: hardly any of the millions of Ukrainians fleeing to the EU had to use The latter group is illustrative of the complex mixed a smuggler, in sharp contrast to the large majority of migration dynamics of Bangladesh. [...] And this route-based efforts, that need to be made if we want is what creates all the pain, the politicisation and the to really tackle [irregular migration], rather than simply drama and so forth that we've seen in Europe, and at declare the Convention a failure, and say everybody the southern border of the US.
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