cover image: A vision for the future Internet


A vision for the future Internet

1 Sep 2020

The purpose of this paper is to set out an ambitious vision for the European Commission to create a more democratic, resilient, sustainable, trustworthy and inclusive internet by 2030. To achieve this effort, we must first understand where we are now by taking a holistic look at the challenges we face today and discussing the complex web of issues we must address layer by layer. Second, it is essential to set our vision for 2030 for each of the five key pillars: Democracy, Resilience, Sustainability, Trust and Inclusion. And finally, how we get there, and for that, we work out some of the specific interventions, policy instruments and technological solutions we need to get closer to our vision. The intention of this paper is, therefore, to serve as a call to action to the European Commission as well as Europe’s internet community, from national and city- level policymakers to civil society, from innovators to the general public, to take concerted action to turn the ideas outlined in this paper into reality.
public policy internet vision

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