cover image: THE STATE OF THE NATION’S FOOD INDUSTRY 2023 - Which retailers and Out of Home businesses


THE STATE OF THE NATION’S FOOD INDUSTRY 2023 - Which retailers and Out of Home businesses

30 Nov 2023

Whitbread has fallen due to the government’s lack of coherence and Lidl and Sainsbury’s are the only retailers that have targets in the ranking this year as it no longer discloses a target or leadership in progressing mandatory reporting, and the and report on both HFSS and fruit and vegetables sales data for sales of fruit and vegetables. [...] Figure 6 shows that the percentage of food sector workers Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco have consistently had the largest market share of earning the National Minimum Wage or below is more than double that of workers the retailers (although the discounters Aldi and Lidl have rapidly gained market share in across the whole economy, and the comparison of workers below the Real Living Wage r. [...] The picture emerging from the cost of living crisis suggests that budget In response to the situation, The Food Foundation pressures are already impacting on the healthiness and launched the Kids Food Guarantee: a set of actions quality of diets. [...] 29 AFFORDABILITY SECTOR: RETAIL DIET DIMENSION: SUSTAINABILITY RIC 3 The cost of more sustainable alternatives to meat and dairy Given the co-benefits for both health and the Plant-based chicken alternatives are environment, a shift towards less processed plant THE COST OF ALTERNATIVES TO foods ought to be the goal of strategies to reduce on average 27% more expensive MEAT AND DAIRYdiet-related GH. [...] Amongst the list meals that are regularly exceeding on the way back from school of discounted companies 50% of the RDI for calories, or work, and high street are some of the this list are restaurants, pubs and dessert some of the largest restaurant saturated fat, salt and sugar.
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