cover image: Exploring Resilience with Families - National Report for Spain Authors:


Exploring Resilience with Families - National Report for Spain Authors:

28 Nov 2023

The table below outlines key information about the organisation of the focus group discussions, including the location where the focus group discussion was held, the recruitment mode and the number of participants. [...] The transcriptions were cross-checked by a second member of the team, who went back to the original audio recordings to check and improve where needed the accuracy of the verbatim accounts. [...] The vast majority of the 55 participants who mentioned their employment status in the course of the discussions were in paid employment (some part-time, some full-time), and some in the informal economy. [...] The ‘constraints of caring’ theme was present in all focus groups but was especially emphasised in the narratives of lone parents, some of the low-income groups and in the focus group with people living in a rural area. [...] Because they went out to work, the children would spend the afternoons in the park, and since the social worker is right in front of the park, she saw them in the park every afternoon, so they opened a file on them.


Holly Shorey

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