Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 20 September 2012 English

There is too much detail I do not care about. And Rushdie seems neither likable nor self-aware.

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 19 September 2012 English

1. Swabian consumer expenditures. 2. A philosophic defense of Mormonism. 3. Does a bailout lower that bank’s risk appetite? 4. The iPhone and consumer spending, some corrections. 5...

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 19 September 2012 English

The excellent Eli Dourado reports: I think there is good reason to think that the short run is over—it is short, after all. My first bit of evidence is corporate …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 September 2012 English

James R. Flynn recommends this paper in his new book: Secular gains in intelligence test scores have perplexed researchers since they were documented by Flynn (1984, 1987). Gains are most …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 September 2012 English

Here is one on-the-mark take (of many): …there have been more than 300 independent medical studies on the health and safety of genetically modified foods. The World Health Organization, the …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 September 2012 English

Remember “Murderer’s Park”? Wasn’t that Walter Block’s idea? Here is the summary of a new service: It is Las Vegas’s latest thrill: absolute beginners flying aerobatic planes in aerial dogfights …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 September 2012 English

1. Thomas Nagel reviews Plantinga, and a criticism of that review. 2. How much will the IRS enforce the mandate? 3. Miles Kimball reviews Cowen and Tabarrok Modern Principles. 4. …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 September 2012 English

1. A theory of Spain’s political class. 2. MIE: on-line education edition. 3. The culture that is Swedish kids talk about God. 4. Appreciation of Thomas Szasz. 5...

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 September 2012 English

I read through the Heckman debate. He does what he always does. One response is terrible (quality of early intervention doesn’t matter, just do a lot of it) but most …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 September 2012 English

The university will suspend admissions to Spanish and economics graduate programs so leaders there can redefine the missions, Forman said. Emory also will suspend admissions to the Institute for Liberal …