Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 September 2012 English

The X Factor isn’t doing well in the ratings but this was Xcellent.

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 September 2012 English

Here is my new New York Times column, about the tall task involved in doubling world food output by 2050: The green revolution has slowed since the early 1990s, and …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 15 September 2012 English

State banking officials want to put the freeze on the owner of an ice-cream parlor who opened a community-bank alternative that pays interest in the form of gift cards for …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 15 September 2012 English

1. Anders Alsund on the Baltics, and growing economic troubles in Slovenia. 2. Can we (should we?) “cognitively enhance” monkeys? Is that even what we are doing? The paper itself …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 15 September 2012 English

The most visible effort to clip the Fed’s wings is a bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Kevin Brady, a Republican from Texas, who is vice-chair of the …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 15 September 2012 English

With exorcism booming in Poland, Roman Catholic priests have joined forces with a publisher to launch what they claim is the world’s first monthly magazine focused exclusively on chasing out …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 14 September 2012 English

Michael Rosenwald reports: And so it has come to this: Cameras that monitor speed cameras. This is 100 percent “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” crazy. But true. It has …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 14 September 2012 English

The rickshaw was invented in 1868 by John Goble, an American missionary living in Tokyo. The source is Frank Dikötter, Things Modern: Material Culture and Everyday Life in China, which …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 9 September 2012 English

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who promised early in his campaign to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, says he would keep several important parts of the overhaul. “Of …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 9 September 2012 English

Austin Frakt reports: John Goodman and I have a deal. Beginning in a week or two, I’m going to start reading his book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis, and I …