Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 9 September 2012 English

Someone (possibly wearing super villain gear, although that’s pure speculation on my part until they’re apprehended) broke through security at the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve in Quebec and made …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 9 September 2012 English

1. Short story author: Alice Munro I consider one of the very best writers ever, from anywhere or any period. Read them all, and there is a new collection coming …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 8 September 2012 English

From this post, on the ECB and the new bailout procedures: No, but it can tighten policy just as easily by raising the rate paid on cash in its deposit …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 8 September 2012 English

On September 5, the first Sleeping Beauty in Polataiko’s exhibition awoke to a kiss from another woman. Both of them were surprised. Polataiko shot photos of them laughing and looking …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 8 September 2012 English

Built-in power supply? Check. Ability to survive anything? Check. Easy to control? Okay, anyone who’s had a cockroach as an uninvited houseguest knows that’s not the case. So, rather than …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 8 September 2012 English

Geeta Dayal, Wired: On Tuesday, some visitors trying to get to the livestream of Michelle Obama’s widely lauded speech at the Democratic National Convention were met with a bizarre notice …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 7 September 2012 English

At lunch the other day we discussed trends in world population. Some of the newer attendees were puzzled when Robin Hanson matter of factly predicted that there would soon be …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 7 September 2012 English

The Basque government, which collects its own taxes, now has a credit rating higher than that of Spain. There is more here (FT).

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 7 September 2012 English

Matt Yglesias has an analysis and a hypothesis: Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, proprietors of one of the finest economics blogs on the Internet, are launching a cool new venture …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 7 September 2012 English

Here is an animation from NASA showing the distribution of summer temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. The initial smooth distribution is based on data from 1950-1980. The video advances in …