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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Traditionally, school-based approaches to remediating deficits in social competence have focused on building aspects of temperament and character. The Socially Adept Verbalizations of Youth (SAVY) Curriculum, consisting of a series …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Despite an excess of materials available today on classroom approaches to the mass media, few English teachers have either the training or experience to determine which studies are relevant and …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Since the inception of the Arizona-Mesa Differentiated Staffing Project in June 1970, the project staff was charged with the responsibility of evaluating the effects of the changes brought about as …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

A survey of 825 Manpower Development and Training Act (MDTA) graduates was made to evaluate MDTA programs. A total of 569 responded, representing 69 percent of the sample. The responses …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This handbook was developed for volunteer group leaders participating in Brevard Community College's Project BEST-PAL (Basic Education Skills Through-Parenting Affective Learning). Project BEST-PAL was developed especially for low socioeconomic parents …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Understanding the cognitive principles inherent in schematic concepts can enhance the practice of fundamental public relations activities. Schemata dictate what information will be attended to, what interpretations will be made …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

America's $100 billion construction industry with its 3 million workers does not need harassment, unwarranted interference, or political denounciation; it does need better access to mortgage money, less costly materials …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The high-school drama teacher's choice of plays, emphasis on spectacle, and overemphasis on competition reflect the commercial influence of Broadway, together with a desire for good public relations with the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This paper outlines the development process of a Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) for one Texas school district. The Center for the Management of Innovation in Multicultural Education (MIME) is assisting …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Prepared by secondary teachers from ideas suggested by an advisory committee of teachers, this compilation of learning activities is designed for use by mathematics instructors to supplement the curriculum resource …