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Education Resources

Education Resources Information Center

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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The primary objective of the Economic Impact study was to provide specific information about the economic impact on various communities as a result of expenditures by the University and University-oriented …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Current lay board membership was found to come from business owner/manager (35%), professional/technical (27%), and seven other occupational groups. Nearly half were college graduates. Membership qualifications were discussed. A poll …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Items in this bibliography were taken from the 1976-78 "Current Index to Journals in Education,""Resources in Education," and the "Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature." The original articles and documents were …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Writing courses for preprofessional students focus on the fundamentals of grammar, spelling, and syntax for students majoring in one of the professional fields and can provide students with subject matter …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

A need exists for focusing on the development of social interaction skills across the college curriculum. Eight basic assumptions should be followed when attempting to develop students' skills: social interaction …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This paper is a practical guide for states planning to implement a review panel to enhance file maintenance in a career information system. It also describes successful methods employed in …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This document, one part of a project to train personnel for educational development and evaluation, presents the rationale underlying the training procedure. The presentation is organized around conceptualizations of the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The report, "Why They Don't Show in September" analyzed the findings of a questionnaire sent to students who had been admitted to the Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point but …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Sixteen Family Practice faculty members completed ratings on 59 senior medical students after a 6-week primary care clerkship. Each student was rated by seven to ten faculty members and the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

All types of school vandalism have a monetary cost, but they also have a social cost. Monetary costs are arrayed against social costs, giving four basic types of vandalism according …