European Politics and Policy

European Politics and Policy

London School of Economics and Political Science

EUROPP – European Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary academic blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Our central aim is to increase public understanding of European politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research. We have no editorial ‘line’ beyond a commitment to communicating social science research and commentary in ways that enhance public debate and understanding.

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General Editor
Patrick Dunleavy
Managing Editor
Stuart Brown

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 8 April 2024 English

States in the European Union cooperate in several joint naval operations across the world. Sebastian Bruns assesses the case for the EU developing its own standing navy. The Red Sea …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 2 April 2024 English

Do crises drive Europeans apart or bring them together? Drawing on a new study, Francesco Nicoli, David van der Duin, Roel Beetsma, Bjoern Bremer, Brian Burgoon, Theresa Kuhn, Maurits Meijers …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 27 March 2024 English

Protectionist parties have become increasingly prominent in European politics over the last two decades. But what drives support for these parties? Drawing on a new study, Enrique García-Viñuela, Nicolas Motz …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 26 March 2024 English

Portugal stands on the brink of commemorating 50 years since its transformative “Carnation” revolution, which ushered in democracy. However, as João Almeida and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose explain, the current political climate …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 25 March 2024 English

Strikes have taken place in Finland against proposed labour reforms. Markku Sippola argues Finland’s current economic situation offers little justification for the reforms, which could have a significant impact on …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 22 March 2024 English

Artificial intelligence (AI) has many potential applications in health care. Divya Srivastava writes that as policymakers grapple with the question of how to regulate AI health solutions, there is a …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 21 March 2024 English

Support for Ukraine has been strong across Europe, but it is far from uniform. Drawing on a new expert survey, Ryan Bakker, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 20 March 2024 English

The Greek debt crisis that began in 2009 has cast a long shadow over European integration. Drawing on a new study, Nicola Nones explains how the crisis became a “morality …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 19 March 2024 English

Online tutoring programmes have emerged as an effective strategy for narrowing the educational gaps that were exacerbated by the pandemic. Claudia Hupkau, Lucas Gortazar and Antonio Roldan-Mones outline how an …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 18 March 2024 English

Millions of people have fled Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022. Maria Koinova argues those who have left and the existing Ukrainian diaspora must be closely involved in Ukraine’s …