GEO 573 - The Geography of Capital

User icon Heather Dray
29 September 2023
14 items

Examples of Marxism in contemporary geographic policy.

ERSA: Economic Research South Africa · 19 March 2013 English

How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic objectives and political coalitions? What were the implications of these controls for development in terms of: 1 the speed …

RSIS: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies · 19 July 2018 English

China’s Concept of ‘Ecological Civilisation’ After nearly three decades of frenzied capitalistic and ‘modernised’ development, the explosive burgeoning of an urban-industrial landscape, a network of road and rail communication connections …

ACUS: Atlantic Council of the United States · 2 November 2021 English

High levels of organized the Marxist-inspired insurgencies that ignited across resistance—such as the large demonstrations by Islamic Southeast Asia and Latin America during the second organizations in Mali, in 2009, …

EDI: Economic Development and Institutions · 31 August 2016 English

The process, therefore, that clears the way for the capitalist system, can be none other than the process which takes away from the labourer the possession of his means of …

IGCC: UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation · 13 September 2023 English

We specifically focus on the class of policy failures that reflect a gap between the collective interest in a public good and the government’s provision of it, such as the …

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 17 October 2022 English

Both the assimilationist path on the basis of multiculturalism and the nationalist variant known as integrationism amount to exactly the same thing -- the rule of the financial oligarchy over …

World Bank Group · 19 September 2023 English

To address the myriad challenges posed by global climate change, countries at all income levels have put in place a diverse set of policies over the past three decades. Many …

The Hamilton Project · 27 September 2018 English

ii The Hamilton Project • Brookings The Geography of Prosperity Ryan Nunn The Hamilton Project and the Brookings Institution Jana Parsons The Hamilton Project Jay Shambaugh The Hamilton Project, the …

BIGD: BRAC Institute of Governance and Development · 25 July 2023 English

The political economy of the landscape of trade unions in bangladesh The Political Economy of the Landscape of Trade Unions in Bangladesh: The Case of the RMG Sector Mirza M …