GEO 573 - The Geography of Capital

User icon Heather Dray
29 September 2023
14 items

Examples of Marxism in contemporary geographic policy.

World Bank Group · 21 June 2021 English

This background note analyzes the economic geography of the Horn of Africa using the framework of the 2009 Word Development Report. For the purpose of this report, the Horn of …

World Bank Group · 17 September 2023 English

'The Commons' explores the many forms of development being championed by Africa's residents, users, and citizens. In addition to managing property and shared tangible and intangible resources collectively, communities are …

WRI: World Resources Institute · 7 October 2023

This paper discusses WRI’s experience working in Mexico City to understand the results of its deep engagement work in the city, starting as the Center for Sustainable Transportation (Centro de …

FPRI: Foreign Policy Research Institute · 21 September 2023 English

To regain its sphere of influence in the former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact states, Russia is fighting a conventional war in Ukraine and political wars