Editors' Choice 2024

User icon Toby Green
21 February 2024
225 items

Every week, Gary Price and I choose new and noteworthy reports for Policy Matters, a newsletter that goes out to our growing community of registered users. Here are reports we've chosen so far in 2024.

12 November 2020

The design of our calendars — the way we arrange our days, weeks, and months — is a reflection of how we aspire to live our lives. What’s a week …

Material World by Ed Conway · 7 May 2024

If you’re wondering how and why it is that so many parts of the UK and US have deindustrialised so fast, or why China has such a commanding lead in …

EC: European Commission · 20 March 2024

The second Horizon Europe strategic plan will steer research and innovation funding within and beyond Europe to tackle key global challenges such as: (i) climate change; (ii) pollution; (iii) the …

The Conversation · 22 February 2024

A new study highlights how grey and primary journal literature portray the pros and cons of offshore wind. Comprehensive assessment frameworks could create more consistency in the future.

E360: Yale Environment 360 · 21 March 2024

Because of lax rules, national inventories reported to the United Nations grossly underestimate many countries’ greenhouse gas emissions. The result, analysts say, is that the world can not verify compliance …

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency · 13 December 2023

In 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture jointly announced an ambitious national goal to reduce food loss and waste by 50% by 2030. In …

IEA: International Energy Agency · 23 April 2024

Online hub with latest data and analysis, developed in partnership with UN Climate Change, is part of IEA's efforts to support delivery of COP28 Dubai outcomes at request of governments …

Harvard University · 26 February 2024

The scale and speed of the Generative AI revolution, while offering unprecedented opportunities to advance science, is also challenging the traditional academic research model in fundamental ways. The academic research …

Chatham House · 22 March 2024

France’s proposed bill to slow down fast fashion and set higher standards for environmental supply chain transparency is an important first step in addressing the hidden water crisis in global …

CLOCKSS · 24 January 2024

Crossref DOIs, persistent discovery, and the digital preservation of 7.5 million items, by Martin Paul Eve. It's hard to know what is preserved, and that seems to me quite a …