African Languages

The languages of Africa are divided into several major language families: Niger–Congo or perhaps Atlantic–Congo languages (Bantu and non-Bantu, the inclusion of Mande and a few other groups is disputed) are spoken in West, Central, Southeast and Southern Africa. Afroasiatic languages are spread throughout Western Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa and parts of the Sahel. Indo-European languages are spoken in South Africa and Namibia (Afrikaans, English, German) and are used as lingua francas in the former colonies of Britain and Liberia that was part of American Colonization Society (English), former colonies of France and of Belgium (French), former …



OXMS: Oxford Martin School · 18 October 2024

This white paper explores the critical issue of participation and representation of the Global AI Majority—countries outside the Global North—in the development and governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The document …

Tsanni, ‘This Company Is Building AI for African Languages’, MIT Technology Review, 17 November 2023 89 Remco Zwetsloot, Roxanne Heston

AU: African Union · 10 October 2024 English

E Gennaro Sangiuliano, Minister of Culture of Italy and our Host; Your Excellencies Ministers of Culture of the G7 Member States; The Representative of the European Union; The Representative of …

in Bamako, Mali is in charge of promoting African Languages and their use in all spheres of society; 3

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation · 5 September 2024 English

African peoples by incorporating the use of African languages (AU, 2006, Art. 4). It is important to note

SWP: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik · 4 September 2024 English

The significance of the results lies in the larger trend dynamics (regarding the amount of reporting) – not in the accurate classification or analysis of individual articles. [...] As the …

journalists and producers and broadcasting in many African languages. Kenyan newspapers often carry content from

RESEP: Research on Socio-Economic Policy · 21 August 2024 English

to improve the efficacy of assessment in African languages The use of early grade reading benchmarks to improve the efficacy of assessment in African languages Asanda Lobelo University of Cape Town RESEP

to improve the efficacy of assessment in African languages The use of early grade reading benchmarks to improve the efficacy of assessment in African languages Asanda Lobelo University of Cape Town RESEP

UN: The United Nations · 13 August 2024 English

11 p.

educational programmes that included Indigenous and African languages and culture. What challenges had the State

AU: African Union · 8 August 2024 English

Against this background and building on the Conceptual Framework and outcome of the virtual multi-stakeholder consultations held in April 2024 on 4 topics, namely: (i) Maximising the Benefit of AI …

understanding or speech recognition in different African languages. Limited data infrastructure, such as data processing capabilities in local and indigenous African languages. o Develop policies and regulatory measures the development of AI capabilities in local African languages, including supporting digitalisation efforts

DIIS: Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier · 7 August 2024 English

Checkpoints and world-making beyond the state

African long-distance trade. Studies in African Languages and Cultures, 52: 9-48.DIIS WP SERIES ROADBLOCKS

Brookings Institution · 24 July 2024 English

Artificial intelligence's acceleration has increased the need for data regulation and privacy protections globally. Chinasa Okolo joins host Landry Signe to discuss AI's impact on the African continent and the …

learning and AI tools be able to understand African languages. And so, I’ve seen a lot of impactful research particular, they don’t necessarily represent African languages very well. And so, I think it’s important

UN: The United Nations · 18 July 2024 English

159 p. : ill., graphs, tablesThe Global Report on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): The right to a strong foundation is the first report in a biennial series co-published …

promotes Natural Language Processing (NLP) in African languages embodies African knowledge, equity, and fairness local African knowledge and inviting diverse African languages into the fold of global AI development should Masakhane107 (that strengthens NLP research in African languages) and Digital Umuganda108 (that creates open-source Africa to collaborate on NLP research for African languages. The programme's name, meaning 'We Build work towards advancing NLP research for African languages. The collaborative network focuses on various

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