
Apartheid (Afrikaans: [aˈpartɦɛit]; transl. "separateness", lit. "aparthood") was a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia) from 1948 to the early 1990s. Apartheid was characterised by an authoritarian political culture based on baasskap (boss-hood or boss-ship), which ensured that South Africa was dominated politically, socially, and economically by the nation's minority white population.



SAIIA: South African Institute of International Affairs · 1 September 1989 English

First I consider the issues upon which the Council has been divided when it has considered apartheid, and in particular the issues, arguments and assumptions that have separated the three Western Great utilized their limited political resources to manipulate the decision-making of the Council re apartheid, and the following section tries to answer the question whether given the reality of these efforts Council should now be seen to have influenced, or refracted," the state of international politics on apartheid, or whether instead the Council merely reflects that state without contributing in any appreciable

NATIONS AND SOUTHERN AFRICA SERIES 1 No. 1 THE APARTHEID ISSUE AT THE SECURITY COUNCIL Newell M. Stultz Introduction Some Preliminary Facts S.C. Votes on Apartheid (Table No. 1) Purpose Substantive Evolution of best of these is probably Richard E. Bissell's Apartheid and International Organizations [Boulder: Westview ago I set out to analyze the evolution of the apartheid issue within the largest of the deliberative organs Africa's official policy of racial discrimination — "apartheid" as that policy came to be known after 1948 ~

HSF: Helen Suzman Foundation · 11 June 2019 English

before the Constitutional Assembly end of apartheid, he wrote the most luminous and eloquent account of the where the negotiations abuse of law by the apartheid regime in 1978, Human Rights and the South Dugard refers to the definition of apartheid in international law, particularly the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the 1998 Rome Statute of the

|JUNE 2019 BOOK John Dugard: REVIEW Confronting Apartheid DENNIS DAVIS is a serving Judge of the High John the submission and silence by the repressive apartheid regime, it was Dugard as Commission of Enquiry years before the Constitutional Assembly end of apartheid, he wrote the most luminous and eloquent account the where the negotiations abuse of law by the apartheid regime in 1978, Human Rights and the South for has now written a new book entitled Confronting Apartheid, in which he looks back concluded. Since his without

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 23 March 2020 English

WIDER Working Paper 2020/27-Job spells in an emerging market: evidence from apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa

in an emerging market: evidence from apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa WIDER Working Paper 2020/27 in an emerging market Evidence from apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa Robert Hill, Kezia Lilenstein available in South Africa, covering the apartheid and post-apartheid eras. We use these data to provide a segmentation in South Africa. The influence of apartheid-era labour market policy on restricting the freedom seriously misleading conclusions. Key words: apartheid, dynamics, job duration, job spells, survival

DPRU: Development Policy Research Unit · 1 April 2005 English

This paper provides an analysis of some of the important changes that have occurred in the South African labour market since 1994. The paper presents the broad changes in employment, …

The Post-Apartheid South African Labour Market Haroon Bhorat Development Policy Research Unit University 1-920055-09-6 Abstract Since the demise of apartheid, the South African economy has undergone significant the South African labour market in the post-apartheid era. The period, between 1995 and 2002, began that growth in the labour force during the post-apartheid era can be broadly ascribed to predominantly African are reaping more of the benefits in the post-apartheid era in terms of employment growth than any other

ERSA: Economic Research South Africa · 19 March 2013 English

How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic objectives and political coalitions? What were the implications of these controls for development in terms of: 1 the speed and diffusion capital intensity and geography of industrialization?; and Wilse-Samson (2012) a.g. [...] How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic objectives and political coalitions? What

Apartheid geography: The Political Economy of Labor Controls and Structural Change Apartheid geography: of: Introduction Orientation questions. How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic 1980) Introduction Orientation questions. How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic 1980) Introduction Orientation questions. How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic 1980) Introduction Orientation questions. How can apartheid-type labor controls be explained in terms of economic

ERSA: Economic Research South Africa · 25 August 2015 English

ERSA Research Brief August 2015 Rising unemployment in post-apartheid South Africa: temporary or persistent? Dieter von Fintel and Rulof Burger1 The fact that South Africa’s high unemployment rate continued

Brief August 2015 Rising unemployment in post-apartheid South Africa: temporary or persistent? Dieter course of their lives. In South Africa, the post-apartheid increase in unemployment has been dominated by

UCT-DPRU: Development Policy and Research Unit · 15 August 2006 English

post-apartheid, and the starting point of this survey is to question this statement. [...] Characterising the Labour Force The ideal place to begin formulating an understanding of the post-apartheid labour

untitled The Post-Apartheid Labour Market 1995-2004 DPRU Policy Brief Series Development Policy Research in South Africa 1993-2004 Analysing the Post-Apartheid Labour Market Employment growth, coupled with been a major focus area for South Africa’s post-apartheid government. Now, a decade into South Africa’s “jobless growth” in the fi rst decade of post-apartheid, and the starting point of this survey is to question begin formulating an understanding of the post-apartheid labour market is by developing an overview of

ERSA: Economic Research South Africa · 21 August 2008 English

A myriad of possibilities suggest themselves here, including the social distance (perceived and actual) between the two individuals (Akerlof, 1997), attitudes about the deservingness of the recipient (Eckel and Grossman, …

a name? Racial identity and altruism in post-apartheid South Africa Wilhelm Gerhard van der Merwe1 and a name? Racial identity and altruism in post-apartheid South Africa Wilhelm Gerhard van der Merweand occurred in South Africa since the demise of apartheid provide a unique backdrop against which to examine

ERSA: Economic Research South Africa · 29 March 2007 English

The household level data (chiefly the PSLSD and the 1994 OHS) were criticised on the grounds of coverage and the definitions of unemployment. [...] Given the OLS estimates bt of …

Dissecting post-apartheid labour market developments: Decomposing a discrete choice model while dealing Economics, University of Cape Town Dissecting post-apartheid labour market developments: Decomposing a discrete Cape Town January 2007 Abstract The abolition of apartheid should have improved the employment prospects economically active in South Africa in the post-apartheid period. Our results suggest that changes in the education and freer migration since the end of apartheid should have improved the job market prospects

UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research · 13 September 2019 English

Aim: To extend the analysis of segregation and stratification of occupations to gender in post-apartheid South Africa. [...] (? ) ? ? ? ? (? =? |? ) 13 Gender segregation curves Decline in gender segregation

Occupational gender segregation in post-apartheid South Africa Carlos Gradín UNU-WIDER Transforming economies employment rates among women and black Africans. • Apartheid left South Africa with large racial inequalities Growing feminization of the labor force after apartheid, with higher unemployment/self-employment (Casale stratification of occupations to gender in post-apartheid South Africa. 4 Data • Census: 1996 and 2001 Census Minnesota) • Labor force surveys: South Africa - Post Apartheid Labour Market Series (PALMS, DataFirst-UCT) 1994-2015

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