
The arts refers to the theory, human application and physical expression of creativity found in human cultures and societies through skills and imagination in order to produce objects, environments and experiences. Major constituents of the arts include visual arts (including architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography, and sculpting), literary arts (including fiction, drama, poetry, and prose), performing arts (including dance, music, and theatre), and culinary arts (including cooking, chocolate making and winemaking). Some art forms combine a visual element with performance (e.g. cinematography), or artwork with the written word (e.g. comics). From prehistoric cave paintings to modern-day films, art serves …



ECPAT: End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism · 24 July 2024 French

Les participants ont été formés De plus, les chercheurs de l’organisation sur la thématique de l’exploitation sexuelle non-gouvernementale Keoogo, partenaire des enfants dans le contexte des voyages et du projet …

les migrants sont effectivement des Masques et des Arts à Dédougou. victimes d’abus sexuels.52 Deux informateurs Vigilance et de En 2020, le Ministère de la Culture, des Arts Surveillance, un organe décentralisé jusqu’au et

CIS: Centre for Independent Studies · 24 July 2024 English

Those small groups with one teacher and a couple of children and the work that they do over the course of a couple of weeks can have a massive impact …

Research from Deakin University and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Australian National

EDSK · 23 July 2024 English

This report, authored by a group of distinguished academics and professionals in the education sector, evaluates the impact of the government's policies on post-18 education and funding. It critically examines …

then President and vice-Chancellor at University Arts London • Palvinder Singh - CEO and Principal at subjects such as business, social studies and creative arts by the time of the Review in 2019.85 The lack

NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) · 22 July 2024 English

The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the …

placement, in sectors like education (including sports, arts & crafts), health (including preventive, nutrition

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 20 July 2024 English

Rising inequality is directly related to vulnerability, and addressing inequality could reduce vulnerability to forced displacement.

It represents features of culture that reflect arts, ideological and religious alignments, language

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Fostering gender equality and enabling women’s economic participation is critical for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s development trajectory. Actively engaging, nurturing, and optimizing the diverse talents and capabilities of the population, especially …

Pension and Disability Insurance of 21 February 2018, Arts. 142, 143 and 145Country Gender Assessment Bosnia education, health and welfare, and human- ities and arts. This percentage was much lower for men at 22 percent

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Positioned as the linchpin in Albania’s journey towards a higher income economy and its aspirations for EU accession, the pivotal role of human capital cannot be overstated. However, the country …

fields like education, health, hu- manities, and arts, further contributing to Albania’s lower STEM enrollment

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

The economy contracted in 2023 due to high energy prices and interest rates. Headline inflation has fallen sharply as end-user energy prices have stabilized, but core inflation remains somewhat stickier, …

Analytics, and IMF staff calculations. -15 -5 5 15 25 Arts, entertainment, other Education, health, public

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation · 18 July 2024 English

Therefore, a holistic approach that addresses ticularly within First Nations communities where such violence the broad drivers of violence - social and economic disadvantage is shaped and compounded by the …

the young men to learn more about them- based and arts-based activities can offer a means of reframing

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Promoting gender equality and enhancing women’s involvement in the economy are crucial for Serbia’s growth trajectory. It’s vital to actively engage, cultivate, and fully utilize the diverse skills and potential …

April 2003, Arts. 19 and 19a, Law on Pension and Disability Insurance of 2 April 2003, Arts. 19b, 19c likely to be enrolled in health, education, and arts and humanities at 34.9 percent, while the corresponding and waste Electricity and gas IT and communication Arts and entertainment Administrative Services Public

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