Asia and the Pacific

The Asia-Pacific is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean. Asia-Pacific varies in area depending on context, but it generally includes South, East, Southeast Asia, as well as Oceania. The term may also include parts of Russia (on the North Pacific and especially its Far East regions) and countries in the Americas which are on the coast of the Eastern Pacific Ocean; the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, for example, includes Canada, Chile, Russia, Mexico, Peru and the United States. Alternatively, the term sometimes comprises all of Asia and Australasia as well as Pacific island nations (Asia-Pacific …



ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 18 October 2024 English

ERIA Event Report 2024

information and knowledge Knowledge (KWK) for Asia and the Pacific (RRC. sharing on waste management to Platform Platform (n.d.); Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (n.d.); UNODC (n.d.). It should be noted pp.S225–30. Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (n.d.), About Us. https://www.knowwaste

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 17 October 2024 English

This report analyzes how Kazakhstan can diversify its resource-dependent economy, foster innovation, and increase its global market integration to support sustainable long-term growth and accelerate its shift to a high-income …

special supplement to Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2023 also explores the opportunities and Asian Development Bank’s Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021 (ADB 2021). To summarize, exports Development Bank. 2021. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021. Development Bank. 2021. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021. Borin, A. and M. Mancini. 2019. Measuring Development Bank (ADB). 2021. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021; Z. Wang, S. Wei, X. Yu, and K. Zhu

World Bank Group · 17 October 2024 English

Economic growth in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is likely to moderate from 3.5 percent in 2023 to 3.3 percent this year. This is significantly weaker than the 4.1 percent …

European Union 154 United Kingdom 55 East Asia and the Pacific 116 Australia 32 China 31 Japan 10 Korea

RAND Corporation · 17 October 2024 English

RAND Europe, with Athena Infonomics and, conducted a study that characterised the current landscape of technology use in the sector and explored potential development pathways out to 2030, as …

Anticipating Risks and Uncertainties for Asia and the Pacific: 2023 Updated Key Risks Report. New York: Development Programme Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific. As of 23 August 2024: https://www.undp

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 17 October 2024 English

As the People’s Republic of China (PRC) steps up ecological protection and restoration spending, this brief outlines innovative investment and financing mechanisms and shows how encouraging social capital investors can …

challenges other developing countries in Asia and the Pacific can learn from. Haitao Lan Professor Institute inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme · 17 October 2024 English

Over 698 million young people, ages 15-35, live in fragile and conflict-affected settings. These settings are highly affected by climate change. Young people find themselves in unique positions – they …

across five regions: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America Brazil and Mexico most affected.xxxi Across Asia and the Pacific, young environmental defenders and climate

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 17 October 2024 Russian

В данном отчете приведен анализ того, как Казахстан может диверсифицировать свою ресурсозависимую экономику, стимулировать инновации и усилить глобальную рыночную интеграцию для поддержания устойчивого долгосрочного роста и ускорения перехода к экономике …

prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate

UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime · 17 October 2024 English

7 EXPLANATORY NOTES The designations employed and the presentation of the The following abbreviations have been used in the material in the World Drug Report do not imply the present …

availability, especially coun- tries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Levels of per capita use in Africa are

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 17 October 2024 English

Broader financial initiatives beyond supporting green activities are necessary to scale-up climate finance and accelerate decarbonization efforts to achieve net zero.

financial authorities in about 30 countries in Asia and the Pacific. This policy brief provides an overview Dialogue will continue to support economies in Asia and the Pacific to accelerate an entire economic transition

World Bank Group · 16 October 2024 English

32 in AFE and 34 in AFW; (ii) 10 in East Asia and the Pacific; (iii) 11 in Europe and Central Asia; (iv)

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