Financial Institutions

Financial institutions, otherwise known as banking institutions, are corporations that provide services as intermediaries of financial markets. Broadly speaking, there are three major types of financial institutions: Depository institutions – deposit-taking institutions that accept and manage deposits and make loans, including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust companies, and mortgage loan companies; Contractual institutions – insurance companies and pension funds Investment institutions – investment banks, underwriters, and other different types of financial entities managing investments.Financial institutions can be distinguished broadly into two categories according to ownership structure: Commercial banks Cooperative banksSome experts see a trend toward homogenisation of financial institutions, …



MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 26 July 2024 English

Since the end of the Second World War, the US’s engagement in South Asia has undergone changes in response to evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region and the global landscape. …

from other creditors. Approaching other financial institutions such as the IMF, ADB, and World Bank could

RSIS: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies · 23 July 2024 English

Deepfakes and the Dangers to National Security and Defence By Benjamin Ang and Muhammad Faizal SYNOPSIS AI-generated disinformation in the form of deepfakes, comprising digitally manipulated video, audio, or images, …

include cyberattacks on news media websites, financial institutions and government agencies. Cyberattacks have

NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) · 22 July 2024 English

The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the …

sector enterprises, Public sector banks and financial institutions, and (4) Reform of Land laws to make acquisition financial markets (SEBI) and fiduciary financial institutions (RBI), social services like Education and and higher fiscal deficits. Fiduciary financial institutions need to be regulated to protect mass of

RIS: Research and Information System for Developing Countries · 20 July 2024 English

of policymakers, stressed the importance of good welcomed the audience and industries, and financial institutions health for employment, noting presented the context of the in the growth of India. [...]

welcomed the audience and industries, and financial institutions health for employment, noting presented

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 20 July 2024 English

Rising inequality is directly related to vulnerability, and addressing inequality could reduce vulnerability to forced displacement.

adjustment requirements imposed by global financial institutions mean that states are unable to take up

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Fostering gender equality and enabling women’s economic participation is critical for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s development trajectory. Actively engaging, nurturing, and optimizing the diverse talents and capabilities of the population, especially …

slightly higher rates of borrowing from formal financial institutions than men, resulting in a 6.3 percentage

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Positioned as the linchpin in Albania’s journey towards a higher income economy and its aspirations for EU accession, the pivotal role of human capital cannot be overstated. However, the country …

similar rates of borrowing from formal financial institutions. Notably, the share of individuals borrowing

World Bank Group · 18 July 2024 English

Financial sector reforms are part of the strategies that countries follow to exit from fragility, but the content and focus of these reforms and the priority they are given relative …

can be expected to have less developed financial institutions and markets—although the evidence on this conditionality—notably donors, international financial institutions (IFIs), and other development partners measure depth, access, and efficiency of financial institutions and financial markets.8 However, there the result mainly driven by a country’s financial institutions’ depth and access.11 Causality remains services, and reducing public ownership of financial institutions.” • In the case of the Dominican Republic

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

The economy contracted in 2023 due to high energy prices and interest rates. Headline inflation has fallen sharply as end-user energy prices have stabilized, but core inflation remains somewhat stickier, …

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND • Financial. German financial institutions, especially some specialized lenders, are changes since 2010Q1. MFI = Monetary and financial institutions, NFCs = non-financial corporations, HHs of exposed German financial institutions (including nonbank financial institutions) and increase their on market perceptions of risk for some financial institutions earlier in the year, there has been some improvement in sentiment recently. • Financial institutions in Germany, including banks, insurers,

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

Selected Issues

____________ 20 C. Exposure of German Financial Institutions to CRE __________________________________________ estimates the impact on solvency of German financial institutions, including banks and insurers, from recent risks from CRE-related exposure of German financial institutions, focused on banks and insurers. It finds source of credit and market risks for financial institutions, which could be optimistic if there is authorities to continue to closely supervise financial institutions with CRE exposures, ensure adequate provisions

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