Forced Migration

Forced displacement (also forced migration) is the involuntary or coerced movement of a person or people away from their home or home region. This movement may have been caused by a variety of factors including natural disasters, violence, ethnic cleansing, individual or group persecution, droughts, civil wars, deportation and population transfer. The UNHCR defines 'forced displacement' more narrowly as: displaced "as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations".A forcibly displaced person may also be referred to as a "forced migrant", a "displaced person" (DP), or, if displaced within the home country, an "internally displaced person" (IDP). …



ADB: Asian Development Bank · 20 July 2024 English

Rising inequality is directly related to vulnerability, and addressing inequality could reduce vulnerability to forced displacement.

rapid rise. Keywords: forced displacement, forced migration, refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced change-induced displacement, reverse migration, forced migration theories JEL Classification: O19ADBI Working voluntary migration; and (ii) involuntary or forced migration. Voluntary migration is explained as being generally has control over the migration process. Forced migration, on the other hand, is undertaken under some spectrum and overlap. This report focuses on forced migration, also referred to as “forced displacement

ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 3 July 2024 English

ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 04

basis of their lives (orange topics including forced migration due to environmental deterioration, lack of

28 June 2024

However, the resettlement pathway fails to adequately alleviate the increasing pressures of forced migration. The gap between resettlement needs and annual departure following the submission of resettlement

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

This report provides initial results from an impact evaluation (IE) of an Entrepreneurship SupportProgram intended to improve the livelihoods of host communities and displaced households in Niger. The program, inspired …

considerations in social science research on forced migration. Disasters, 27(3), 185-206. Lehmann, C.

World Bank Group · 25 June 2024 Japanese

移住は文明の最も初期から人間が経験することの 1 つになってきている.ホモ・サピエンスは約 20 万年 前にアフリカのオモ渓谷を離れた.それ以降,人類は移動を決して止めることはなく,はっきりと相異なる 文化,言語,そして民族性を生み出してきている 1.移住は開発にとって強力な推進力であることが判明し ており,世界全体にわたって何億という移住者とその家族,およびそれらが暮らしている社会を改善してき ている.しかし,移住者(移民)本人,本国(出身国),移住先国(行き先国)にとって挑戦課題もある. 本報告書は当人の国籍国の外で生活している人々を移民として定義し(ボックス O.1),より良い経済機 会を追求して移住したのか,ないしは紛争や迫害によって退去を余儀なくされたのか(難民)は問わない.居 住国に帰化している人については,そのような人を移民とはみなさない.移住者と政策当局に対して明確な 挑戦課題を提起するのは市民権――およびそれと関連する市民的,政治的,および経済的な権利――の欠如 であり,人々が人生のある時点で移動したという事実ではない. 本報告書は移住の経済的,社会的,および人道的な影響を最適に管理するための枠組みを提案する.労働 経済学と国際法から得られる洞察を組み合わせることによって,移民のスキルと属性が移住先国で需要され る度合い(適合度)と,移民は移住先国で機会を求めているのか,それとも本国(出身国)で身の危険を感じて いるのか(動機)に注目している.そうすることによって,4 種類の移動を区別し,あらゆる状況において開 発がもたらす利益を完全に実現するための優先的な政策と介入策を特定する.変化を起こすためには国際協 力が決定的に重要である――そして,現行の論議の特質や傾向を変えることができる新たな意見をエンパワ メントすることも同じく大切である.

2006. “Time to Go? Duration Dependence in Forced Migration.” International Interactions 32 (2): 129–52

SEI: Stockholm Environment Institute · 25 June 2024 English

This working paper focuses on the informal settlement of Kihoto, Kenya. The authors provide an overview of the socio-economic impacts and displacement outcomes relating to the water level rise of …

social capital in protracted displacement. Forced Migration Review, 57, 28–30. Van der Meeren, T., Ito

Amnesty International · 21 June 2024 English

Amnesty International is raising an alarm about the proliferation of legal initiatives to curtail the work of civil society organizations and seriously threaten their efforts to promote and defend human …

transnational phenomena, like violence and forced migration, so any threat to freedom of association,

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 20 June 2024 English

Conclusions from a Carnegie series on climate-related vulnerability, socioeconomic impacts, and governance challenges.

result of preexisting social disparities and forced migration in the form of men seeking employment in urban

World Bank Group · 19 June 2024 English

Indigenous Peoples (IPs) are resilient. Despite multiple and persistent threats over centuries- IPs across the world are sustaining their peoples, cultures, and ways of life while making significant contributions to …

exposed to the impacts of climate change; iv) forced migration due to high levels of exposure and vulnerability

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