
Gasoline (), or petrol () (see the etymology for naming differences) is a clear petroleum-derived flammable liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in most spark-ignited internal combustion engines. It consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with a variety of additives. On average, a 160-liter (42-U.S.-gallon) barrel of crude oil can yield up to about 72 liters (19 U.S. gallons) of gasoline after processing in an oil refinery, depending on the crude oil assay and on what other refined products are also extracted. The characteristic of a particular gasoline blend to resist …



IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

Selected Issues

at a lower rate than it taxes gasoline (65.45 cents a liter for gasoline, compared to 47.04 cents a liter which produce more greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline-fueled cars (see, for example, ICCT 2019). Burger of those for advanced economies, and those for gasoline and automotive diesel seem to be at the high end Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), 2019, “Gasoline vs. Diesel Comparing CO2 Emission Levels of a

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 18 July 2024 English

The U.S. economy has turned in a remarkable performance over the past few years. Hysteresis effects from the pandemic did not materialize and both activity and employment now exceed pre-pandemic …

the federal excise tax on gasoline and diesel. The federal tax on gasoline and diesel is not subject 18.4 cents for gasoline and 24.4 cents for diesel). Doubling the tax on both gasoline and diesel would

Fraser Institute · 18 July 2024 English

The federal government has set a GHG emissions reduction target of at least 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, equivalent to 38.5% below 2022 levels. This report examines proposed policies …

fuels used in Canada to 80.0 grams of CO2 eq./MJ (gasoline) or 79.0 grams of CO2 eq./MJ (diesel) by 2030 regulations will result in a notable increase in gasoline prices, potentially rising by up to 17 cents

World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

sector8. In São Paulo, between 2018 and 2022 gasoline cars emitted 101g CO2 equivalent per passenger

Cato Institute · 16 July 2024 English

Like many other fiscal conservatives, I often criticize the large and growing government subsidies to transit. The very active transit advocacy community on X often responds: "How about government subsidies …

It was not until 1923 that California enacted a gasoline tax of two cents per gallon. But gas taxes were decades, California has sharply increased its gasoline tax, from six cents per gallon in 1963 to sixty sales tax and an excise tax on both gasoline and diesel. For gasoline, the state sales tax is 2.25 percent levies an excise tax of $0.184 per gallon for gasoline and $0.244 per gallon for diesel. We estimated

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Climate change is among the most significant social, economic, and environmental threats. Achieving even modest climate targets will depend on local-to-global coordination on costly and far-reaching policies. This research program …

transportation 53 85 82 89 96 82 Banning new gasoline cars and trucks by the year 2040 16 75 75 transportation 80 80 65 66 68 71 Banning new gasoline cars and trucks by the year 2040 70 55 56

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

Angola are regressive, and the April 22 increase in gasoline prices by 48 percent is expected to raise the proposed reforms on certain groups. Increases in gasoline and diesel prices will disproportionately impact

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

The CPIA Africa report highlights policy trends, best practices, and key changes in Sub-Saharan Africa, following the World Bank's annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA). The analysis is designed …

GDP, and Nigeria has more than tripled retail gasoline prices to begin to address its long-standing

World Bank Group · 12 July 2024 English

The Iran Economic Monitor (IEM) provides an update on key economic developments and policies. It examines these economic developments and policies in a longer-term and global context and assesses their …

Support cash transfers to compensate for the gasoline price increase (Figure 38). The program was bolstered faltered in implementation. Instead of aligning gasoline prices with international standards, the government with social grievances following the increase in gasoline prices in 2019. c In addition, under the supplementary

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 11 July 2024 English

Over the last two decades, U.S. households have received $47 billion in tax credits for buying heat pumps, solar panels, electric vehicles, and other “clean energy” technologies. Using information from …

policy. Previous papers have examined, for example, gasoline taxes (Poterba, 1991; Bento et al., 2009; Glaeser for example, that distributional consequences of gasoline and carbon taxes tend to be more evenly distributed “Distributional and Efficiency Impacts of Increased U.S. Gasoline Taxes,” American Economic Review, 2009, 99 (3) Regressive are Mobility-Related User Fees and Gasoline Taxes?,” Tax Policy and the Economy, 2023, 37 Economic Review, 1989, 79 (2), 325–330. , “Is the Gasoline Tax Regressive?,” NBER Tax Policy and the Economy

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