Historical Geography

Historical geography is the branch of geography that studies the ways in which geographic phenomena have changed over time. It is a synthesizing discipline which shares both topical and methodological similarities with history, anthropology, ecology, geology, environmental studies, literary studies, and other fields. Although the majority of work in historical geography is considered human geography, the field also encompasses studies of geographic change which are not primarily anthropogenic. Historical geography is often a major component of school and university curricula in geography and social studies. Current research in historical geography is being performed by scholars in more than forty countries.



CPS: Centre for Policy Studies · 6 May 2024 English

Other waves of migrants who did settle in the UK – such as the Huguenots, or the Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe who arrived around the turn of the 20th …

the late seventeenth century’, Journal of Historical Geography 9 (October 1983). Link. For historical population

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 11 April 2024 English

Like today, one hundred years ago air pollution was a matter of grave concern in the world's most polluted cities. In the wake of its famous 1908-9 social survey, the …

1995. “Race and Industrial Hazards: An Historical Geography of the Pittsburgh Region, 1900-1990.”

CIEL: Center for International Environmental Law · 26 March 2024 English

The first memo examines the body of international law applicable to the questions before the Court, and demonstrates that multiple sources of law define the scope of State duties in …

anthropogenic climate change, 1953-1991, Journal of Historical Geography 60 (2018) at pp. 45-46, https://doi.org/10

CIEL: Center for International Environmental Law · 26 March 2024 English

This written submission addresses the second question in the request of the United Nations General Assembly for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the obligations of …

anthropogenic climate change, 1953-1991, Journal of Historical Geography 60 (2018) at pp. 45-46, https://doi.org/10

UKRI: UK Research and Innovation · 6 March 2024 English

The document which sets out the national framework for good research conduct and its governance can be found using the following link: Supporting research integrity – UKRI The Concordat to …

INFORMATION Level 1 – Human Geography Level 2 • Historical Geography Level 1 – Information and Communication identity. AHRC also supports research in historical geography, which includes geographical change over

AHURI: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute · 9 February 2024 English

• This research seeks to inform improved housing and homelessness responses to gendered housing experiences, and to explicitly broaden the ways we conceptualise and engage with gender in housing policy, …

‘Recovering a gay village: a comparative historical geography of urban change and planning in Toronto

Research@Lincoln · 2024 English

of climate impact narratives. Journal of Historical Geography, 35(2), 256–278. Available from: https:// climate change: Introduction. Journal of Historical Geography, 35(2), 215–222. Available from: https://

MPIDR: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research · 6 December 2023 English

In the United Kingdom, mortality decreased sharply and fertility remained stable until the mid-19th century before declining thereafter, resulting in a large population increase as the country moved through the …

Migration in England, 1818–1839.” Journal of Historical Geography 13(2):155–68. doi: 10.1016/S0305-7488(87)80144-5

British Academy · 13 November 2023

(months) The proposal must; • clearly specify the context, and research objectives of the proposed study, Proposed • describe the methodology to be used, and programme/pla • set out a …

encouragement of research on the antiquities or historical geography or early history or arts of those parts level, in the study of the antiquities or historical geography or early history or arts of those parts

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