Narcotic Drugs

The term narcotic (, from ancient Greek ναρκῶ narkō, "to make numb") originally referred medically to any psychoactive compound with numbing or paralysing properties. In the United States, it has since become associated with opiates and opioids, commonly morphine and heroin, as well as derivatives of many of the compounds found within raw opium latex. The primary three are morphine, codeine, and thebaine (while thebaine itself is only very mildly psychoactive, it is a crucial precursor in the vast majority of semi-synthetic opioids, such as oxycodone or hydrocodone). Legally speaking, the term "narcotic" may be imprecisely defined and typically has …



UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime · 17 October 2024 English

7 EXPLANATORY NOTES The designations employed and the presentation of the The following abbreviations have been used in the material in the World Drug Report do not imply the present …

measures to protect children from the use of narcotic drugs, includ- ing in cases where a child’s parents classification of countries by income levels; INCB, Narcotic Drugs 2023: Estimated World Requirements for 2024 classification of countries by income levels; INCB, Narcotic Drugs 2023: Estimated World Requirements for 2024 Disorders (fifth under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 edition) as patterns of symptoms resulting

ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 3 October 2024 English

Introduction [a] Drug trafficking is a non-traditional security threat that has consequences for public health and safety, and undermines political stability and economic development. Globally, drug trafficking flows are valued …

the money generated from the illegal sale of narcotic drugs could be used to finance insurgency and terrorist that the junta is committed to eradicating narcotic drugs as a part of their national duty. He also Concerns19 The Legal Mechanism in India The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985 (NDPS Sub-Group on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, and Precursor Chemicals BIMSTEC members to help manage and control narcotic drugs in the region. India’s strategic dialogue

UN: The United Nations · 27 September 2024 English

75 p. : tables

Narcotics Control Boardc Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, article 11 142nd session 3–7 February three-day session per year 63. Commission on Narcotic Drugs Economic and Social Council resolutions 9

GlobE: Global Operational Network of Law Enforcement Authorities · 20 September 2024 English

Representatives from the region provided feedback and suggestions on the The agreement further states that “establishing a regional component of the proposed component, crucial for ensuring the component’s effectiveness in …

International Cricket Council CND Commission on Narcotic Drugs ICHA International Corruption Hunters Alliance

Privacy International · 19 September 2024 English

(2) There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a …

as human trafficking, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs or weapons, facilitation of unauthorised entry

CDPC: Canadian Drug Policy Coalition · 16 September 2024 English

9 DISADVANTAGED GROUPS OF WOMEN In the CEDAW Committee’s “List of issues and questions prior to the submission of the tenth periodic report of Canada,” the Committee asked of Canada: …

resolution passed at the 67th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs directed member states to pursue harm reduction Economic Review, January 8, 2021. 49 Commission on Narcotic Drugs. “Unedited revised E/CN.7/2024/L.5/Rev.2” Implementation

EU: European Union · 13 September 2024 English

precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic and new psychoactive substances

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