News Agencies

A news agency is an organization that gathers news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines and radio and television broadcasters. A news agency may also be referred to as a wire service, newswire, or news service. Although there are many news agencies around the world, four global news agencies, Agence France-Presse (AFP), Associated Press (AP), Reuters and United Press International (UPI) have offices in most countries of the world, cover all areas of information, and provide the majority of international news printed by the world's newspapers. All four began with and continue to operate …



World Bank Group · 26 August 2024 English

also be organized for the media and electronic news agencies to the project site to inform the local communities

EU: European Union · 1 August 2024 English

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool that is designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in Candidate …

estimate the political control over media and news agencies as well as transparency and prevention of conflicts

World Bank Group · 1 August 2024 English

The Country Opinion Survey in Georgia assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Georgia perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from …

online) Social media WBG websites Online media / news agencies e-Newsletters Television (TV) Newspapers (print

World Bank Group · 1 August 2024 English

The Country Opinion Survey in Georgia assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Georgia perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from …

Newspapers (print or online) 9 Online media/news agencies 4 Event / conference / seminar (in person

World Bank Group · 31 July 2024 English

The Country Opinion Survey in Georgia assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Georgia perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from …

online) Social media WBG websites Online media / news agencies e-Newsletters Television (TV) Newspapers (print

EU: European Union · 31 July 2024 English

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool that is designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in Candidate …

media services, daily and periodical press, news agencies, electronic publishing, including the internet evaluation of the relationship between the main news agencies and political groups (complicit the reform introduced now scores a medium risk assessment). Despite news agencies heavily depending on public funding, particularly within the sub indicator “Political control over news agencies” as low risk. However, it should be noted that assessment of the independence of the main news agencies could be different. Regarding the newspaper

World Bank Group · 31 July 2024 English

The Country Opinion Survey in Georgia assists the World Bank Group (WBG) in better understanding how stakeholders in Georgia perceive the WBG. It provides the WBG with systematic feedback from …

Newspapers (print or online) 9 Online media/news agencies 4 Event / conference / seminar (in person

EU: European Union · 31 July 2024 English

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool that is designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in Candidate …

of the public service media (TRT) and public news agencies (Anadolu Agency). However, TRT is under direct

EU: European Union · 31 July 2024 English

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool that is designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in Candidate …

partisan group or politicians, and independence of news agencies from political influence is not regulated. Quite

EU: European Union · 30 July 2024 English

The Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) is a research tool that is designed to identify potential risks to media pluralism in the Member States of the European Union and in Candidate …

warrant efficient control. In respect of news agencies, the Cyprus News Agency is the only one in the

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