
Nicaragua ( (listen); Spanish: [nikaˈɾaɣwa] (listen)), officially the Republic of Nicaragua (Spanish: República de Nicaragua ), is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the northwest, the Caribbean to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. Managua is the country's capital and largest city and is also the third-largest city in Central America, behind Tegucigalpa and Guatemala City. The multi-ethnic population of six million includes people of indigenous, European, African, and Asian heritage. The main language is Spanish. Indigenous tribes on the Mosquito Coast speak their own languages …



24 July 2024 English

Indeed, it is sad to expect that refugees would come from war zones in the wider Middle East and Africa, so when the UNHCR notes that 42% of the world’s …

20 years later, the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua) created an incentive for many other groups throughout attempts until the Sandinista revolution of 1979 in Nicaragua managed to Policy Brief - N° 36/24 - July 2024

World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

This paper explores the potential correlations between financial development and state fragility, using a sample of 137 countries observed over the period from 1998–2019. The countries are grouped into clusters …

Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua), South America 2For a more detailed overview Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, North Macedonia, Nicaragua, Peru, Romania, Rwanda Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil 511 2 3 1 Tunisia 2 Georgia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Serbia Brazil, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Mon-

IADB: Inter-American Development Bank · 17 July 2024 English

This Poverty and Equity Assessment aims to inform efforts to reduce poverty and inequality at what could be an important turning point for Suriname. The assessment was written as Suriname …

18, a rate comparable to that of Mauritania, Nicaragua, and the Sudan.11 Panel B shows that, although Montenegro and Patrinos (2022) estimate for Nicaragua, Yemen, and Guinea. Figure 23 shows the relationship

FPRI: Foreign Policy Research Institute · 17 July 2024 English

For all the media hype they generated, Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling threats to provide weapons to target Western countries and his naval flotilla’s visit to Cuba failed to alter Western willingness …

Military Contractors (PMC), in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. They provide access within the Western Hemisphere and deployment of these assets to Venezuela and Nicaragua have enabled the Maduro and Ortega regimes to with another Latin American country, such as Nicaragua. Over the last decade, almost all Kozhemyakin’s

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 16 July 2024 English

A volcanic eruption increases the likelihood of children working and dropping out of school.

(Nguyen & Minh Pham 2018), and Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua in 1998 (Ureta 2005). 32Meanwhile, from these

IADB: Inter-American Development Bank · 16 July 2024 Spanish

Los ministerios de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) desempeñan un rol cada vez más importante en la agenda climática, pero aun así no se conoce hasta qué punto los MEF vienen …

República Dominicana, Bahamas, Honduras, Barbados y Nicaragua. Finalmente, el cuarto grupo de países incluye salvador Guatemala Guyana Honduras Jamaica México Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú República Dominicana Suriname Secretaría de Administración y Finanzas NDC LTS Nicaragua Ministerio de Hacienda NDC Panamá Ministerio de

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Submarine cables enable international connectivity and are essential for high-speed internet access. This paper tests their potential to improve the affordability of internet access by supporting a price drop through …

Mexico Guinea- Bissau Uganda Thailand Lithuania Nicaragua Kenya Zambia Turkmenistan Luxembourg Panama Lesotho

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

This paper explores the potential correlations between financial development and state fragility, using a sample of 137 countries observed over the period from 1998-2019. The countries are grouped into clusters …

Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua), South America 2For a more detailed overview Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, North Macedonia, Nicaragua, Peru, Romania, Rwanda Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil 511 2 3 1 Tunisia 2 Georgia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Serbia Brazil, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Mon-

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

This manual is a contribution to the rich body of literature on tax expenditures and aim to inform policymakers and policy debates on tax expenditures reform. In doing so, it …

fiscal incentives, and private resolutions Nicaragua Transfers made by the state to certain groups Yes Italy Yes Mexico Yes Nicaragua Yes Norway Yes Paraguay Yes

World Bank Group · 15 July 2024 English

The Global Electrification Platform (GEP), an initiative by the World Bank to standardize and simplify the use of geospatial tools for least-cost electrification planning, was originally launched in November 2019 …

78 306.965 77.376 250.812 368.378 92.548 Nicaragua 2.961 8.431 5.622 3.053 8.695 5.798 Rwanda Haiti - X America Honduras - X America Nicaragua - X America Micronesia - X Oceania Papua

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