North Africa

North Africa or Northern Africa is a region encompassing the northern portion of the African continent. There is no singularly accepted scope for the region, and it is sometimes defined as stretching from the Atlantic shores of Mauritania in the west, to Egypt's Suez Canal. Varying sources limit it to the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, a region that was known by the French during colonial times as "Afrique du Nord" and is known by Arabs as the Maghreb ("West", The western part of Arab World).The United Nations definition includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, and the …



UN: The United Nations · 2 January 2025 English

Formats Add to Basket Details SymbolE/ECA/CM/14/RES/638(XXIII) TitleDevelopment of industry in North Africa. [...] Call number UNE(01)/R3 AuthorsUN. ECA. [...] Conference of Ministers (14th : 1988 : Niamey) (14th : 1988 : Niamey) 1988 UNIDO. [...] Director-General INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT TRADE PREFERENCES NORTH AFRICA

/638(XXIII) TitleDevelopment of industry in North Africa. Call number UNE(01)/R3 AuthorsUN. ECA. Conference Director-General INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT TRADE PREFERENCES NORTH AFRICA

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation · 1999 English

Orieji Chimere-Dan The social sciences in North Africa and 138 the Middle East The social sciences

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 1 April 2004 English

This paper analyzes the weak growth performance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during 1980-2000 using an empirical model of long-run growth. The relative importance of the factors affecting

WP/04/56 Growth in the Middle East and North Africa Dalia S. Hakura © 2004 International Department Growth in the Middle East and North Africa Prepared by Dalia S. Hakura1 Authorized weak growth performance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during 1980–2000 using an empirical Keywords: economic growth, Middle East and North Africa, oil, institutions, conflicts Author’s E-Mail Can Economic Growth in the Middle East and North Africa Region Be Accelerated?” for the September 2003

AEI: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research · 24 May 2019 English

Energy-dependent growth in the Middle East and North Africa region, whether in traditional oil and gas exports or petrochemical production and global refinery operations, will be sensitive to shifts in

CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · 31 August 2021 English

for Western policymakers is to avoid viewing Russian activism in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa through an exclusively zero-sum lens. The region’s political disarray, complexities, and especially

Reassessing Russian Capabilities in the Levant and North Africa Frederic Wehrey and Andrew S. Weiss AU G U Reassessing Russian Capabilities in the Levant and North Africa Frederic Wehrey and Andrew S. Weiss This abandoning most of its presence in the Levant and North Africa during the late 1980s, the Kremlin has alarmed to the power politics of the Middle East and North Africa is hard to ignore. Moscow routinely plays on nature of Russian activism in the Middle East and North Africa is hardly a new phenomenon. As preeminent analysts

ORF: Observer Research Foundation · 5 September 2024 English

Introduction The Maghreb, [a] commonly referred to as North Africa, is considered part of the Arab world. Yet, the Maghreb has a distinct culture, political landscape, and development trajectory. Historically

Dragon in the Maghreb: Assessing the BRI in North Africa Abstract The Maghreb, often considered part Dragon in the Maghreb: Assessing the BRI in North Africa,” Occasional Paper No. 448, September 2024 Gupta3 T he Maghreb,a commonly referred to as North Africa, is considered part of the Arab world. Yet Maghreb as part of the larger West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, with Sub-Saharan Africa considered lines, roads, power plants, and pipelines in North Africa, including regional ports such as Tangier Med

Oxfam International · 11 November 2020 English

Pre-pandemic, EU policies towards North Africa, especially Tunisia and Morocco, focused on two main paradigms: trade liberalization and the minimization of both regular and irregular migration. These agendas Free Trade Areas (DCFTAs) ought to be geared towards supporting fair and inclusive recovery in North Africa based on reducing inequality and promoting shared prosperity and development

EU’s economic and migration policies towards North Africa 2 OXFAM BRIEFING PAPER – NOVEMBER 2020 2020 Pre-pandemic, EU policies towards North Africa, especially Tunisia and Morocco, focused on two towards supporting fair and inclusive recovery in North Africa based on reducing inequality and promoting shared to the COVID-19 pandemic, EU policies towards North Africa, in particular Tunisia and Morocco, focused agreements. 1 INTRODUCTION The countries of North Africa lie at the crossroads of multiple regional

RAND Corporation · 1 January 2003 English

report explores the future of the information revolution in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The development gap in information and communication technology between MENA and OECD

INFORMATION REVOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA The research described in this report was sponsored information revolution in the Middle East and North Africa : MR-1653 / Grey E. Burkhart, Susan Older. Information Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa Gregory F. Treverton and Lee Mizell, The Future information revolution in the Middle East and North Africa over the next five to 10 years. Key questions Information Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa Remedies in the Face of Gender Bias and Other

EU: European Union · 28 October 2015 English

highly appreciated documentation of the previous year's forest fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. In its different sections, the report includes information on the evolution of fire danger in

Line Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2014 European Commission Joint Research year's forest fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. In its different sections, the report includes Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2014 Contacts: JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE 2014 fire season in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. ..... 2 2.2 European countries ......... time series (1980–2014)62 2.4 Middle East and North Africa Countries .................................

IMF: International Monetary Fund · 1 October 2009 English

This paper analyzes the relationship between oil price shocks and bank profitability. Using data on 145 banks in 11 oil-exporting MENA countries for 1994-2008, we test hypotheses of direct and …

Oil-Exporting Countries in the Middle East and North Africa Tigran Poghosyan and Heiko Hesse Oil-Exporting Countries in the Middle East and North Africa 1 Authorized for distribution by Domenico oil exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Exports, government revenues and fiscal

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