
The oat (Avena sativa), sometimes called the common oat, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name (usually in the plural, unlike other cereals and pseudocereals). While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and oat milk, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed. Oats are associated with lower blood cholesterol when consumed regularly.



GLA: Greater London Authority · 17 July 2024 English

The London Climate Resilience Review is an independent report commissioned by the Mayor of London to assess and enhance the city's preparedness for climate impacts. The review identifies six urgent …

for winter wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats and oilseed rape, compared to 2023.79 Tom Lancaster

DIR: Daiwa Institute of Research Group · 16 July 2024 Japanese

GX経済移行債に期待されるインパクトレポーティング GX経済移行債に期待される インパクトレポーティング ~GXの理解醸成促進に向けて~ 金融調査部 依田 宏樹/太田 珠美 要 約 日本政府が 2024 年2月に発行したGX経済移行債は、世界初となる政 府部門によるトランジションボンドである。GX経済移行債は今後 10 年 間で 20 兆円程度発行される予定だ。2050 年カーボンニュートラル実現 のため、150 兆円を超える投資が必要とされ、20 兆円はその先行投資支 援に使われる。今後の注目点は、先行投資支援を通じて生じるインパクト (温室効果ガス排出量の削減等)のレポーティングである。日本は石炭火力 発電の全廃時期を明示していないことなどから、カーボンニュートラルの 実現可能性に疑念の声もある。疑念を払拭するためにはインパクトレポー トを通じた丁寧な情報発信が欠かせない。またGX経済. [...] L.(EQA) …

用している。同庁が 2023 年に公表した “Green につきカーボンバジェットが示された他(図表2 OATs allocation and performance report -4)、セクターごとの目標やガイドラインが示 研究・イノベーション・啓発 国際協力 最新の資金充当とパフォーマンスに関するレ 交通 ポ ー ト と な る「Green OATs Allocation and (出所)ドイツ財務省 “Green Bond Allocation ・監査報告書 億ユーロ)を分野別にみると、建築が約 36%と (出所)フ ランス国債庁 “Green OATs Allocation and Performance Report 2022”(2023年9月)から大和総研作成 業種の レポートを公表している。これは、前者が特定年 割合。(出所)フランス国債庁“Green OATs Allocation and Performance Report 2022”(2023年9月)から大和総研作成 目標の えているかどうか、そして担当機関によって効率 割合。(出所)フランス国債庁“Green OATs Allocation and Performance Report 2022”(2023年9月)から大和総研作成

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

Supply and Installati on of AIS in 1500 Artisanal B oats IDA / 63260 Enabling Sustainable Fisheri es Sector Supply and Installat ion of AIS in 1500 Artisanal B oats IDA / 63260 Enabling Sustainable Fisheri es Sector

EU: European Union · 26 June 2024 English

products of oats. This maximum level is intended to apply to bakery wares with a high content of oats. However high content of oats, such as oat cakes, contain less than 90 % milling products of oats, normally between therefore be amended accordingly. (6) As unprocessed oats before milling are placed on the market with the the maximum level for contaminants in unprocessed oats set out in points 1.2.9 and 1.5.1 of the table of Regulation (EU) 2023/915 should apply to unprocessed oats with the husk included, even if the husk is inedible

EU: European Union · 25 June 2024 English

and wild oats, must be separated out’, the words ‘such as those of wheat, barley and wild oats’ have been

EU: European Union · 25 June 2024 English

fresh meadow fodder. — dried cereals (maize, barley, oats, triticale, wheat, rye, etc.), dry beet pulp, dry cereals and roots such as fresh rapeseed, fresh oats, fresh maize or fodder beet. Fodder legumes (broad

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 English

This report provides a high-level assessment of Kazakhstan's water security status across different water security dimensions (endowment, sector architecture, performance and outcomes) with the aim of highlighting where efforts should …

Kazakhstan include wheat, potatoes, barley, linseed, oats, corn, and seed cotton. Production of wheat holds

EU: European Union · 24 June 2024 English

automatic safeguard measure for eggs, poultry, sugar, oats, maize, groats and honey (‘the products concerned’)

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 English

This report provides a high-level assessment of Georgia's water security status across different water security dimensions (endowment, sector architecture, performance and outcomes) with the aim of highlighting where efforts should …

grown in Georgia include corn, wheat, barley and oats. Production of wheat holds the most important place

World Bank Group · 23 June 2024 English

IN-OPIU-AGRI-347352-GO-RF B / Procurement of Certified Oats & Maize Seeds. IBRD / 87800 Component C: Fostering 2024-07-13 IN-OPIU-AGRI-391399-GO-RF Q / 16,000 kg of Oats seed fo r 200 Ha area demanostratio n under Assam

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