
An obligation is a course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral. Obligations are constraints; they limit freedom. People who are under obligations may choose to freely act under obligations. Obligation exists when there is a choice to do what is morally good and what is morally unacceptable. There are also obligations in other normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social obligations, religious and possibly in terms of politics, where obligations are requirements which must be fulfilled. These are generally legal obligations, which can incur a penalty for non-fulfilment, although certain people are obliged …



World Bank Group · 31 December 2024 English

evidence that the environment and social management obligations related to such upcoming Project activities shall

Greens/EFA: The Greens/European Free Alliance · 3 August 2024 English

A study by Martin Sas, KU Leuven, Centre for IT & IP Law, Leuven, Belgium Jan Tobias Mühlberg, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Ecole Polytechnique,Brussels, Belgium

data controllers’ compliance 18 with their obligations under the GDPR, notably vis-à-vis articles 24 diligence obligations (art. 1 DSA)  [116]. Section 3 of chapter III specifies the obligations of providers service is a minor. 3. Compliance with the obligations set out in this Article shall not oblige providers know as the CSAR proposal) aims to impose new obligations to providers of relevant ISS, as well as providers of the proposal, indeed, introduced detection obligations requiring providers of hosting services and

MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 26 July 2024 English

Since the end of the Second World War, the US’s engagement in South Asia has undergone changes in response to evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region and the global landscape. …

complex as China wants Pakistan to fulfill IMF obligations before extending any help, whereas the IMF has

ECPAT: End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism · 24 July 2024 French

Comme souligné dans le rapport le cadre du travail forcé et de la traite à des 2023 de l’Office de surveillance et de lutte fins d’exploitation sexuelle.12 De plus, des …

et ne responsabilise pas les au condamné des obligations additionnelles, personnes morales opérant dans

WGCS: Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists · 24 July 2024 English

The "Blueprint to Repair Australia's Landscapes" is a comprehensive report that outlines a strategic approach for a 30-year investment aimed at restoring the health, productivity, and resilience of Australia's natural …

that relates to cultural responsibilities and obligations to water (Moggridge and Thompson, 2021). Healthy

WGCS: Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists · 24 July 2024 English

The Wentworth Group, together with experts from academia, government and business, has developed a Blueprint to Repair Australia’s Landscapes. The Blueprint describes a suite of 24 practical actions and investments, …

contributing to mitigation needed to meet obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement. At an average next 30 years,4 helping to meet Australia’s obligations under the UN Paris Climate Agreement while financing

Australian Energy Market Operator · 23 July 2024 English

© AEMO 2024 | Quarterly Energy Dynamics Q2 2024 17 Negative price occurrence Negative price occurrence (%) (%) Q2 20 0:00 2:00 Q2 21 4:00 Q2 22 6:00 Q2 23 …

enablement of these services. Full enablement obligations on AEMO will commence December 2025. Reference: dashboard ensuring compliance with AEMO’s reporting obligations outlined in AEMO’s WEM DER Register Information

Australian Banking Association · 23 July 2024 English

If you are a Small Business or an individual and the of the change, unless we are not able to because rules in the National Credit Code about statements of …

provided to you or think we have not met our obligations be serious or systemic in nature. If you think the Code the Code to be: makes reference to obligations under the law • independently reviewed sooner as necessary; or or regulatory guides, the obligations referred to • reviewed and amended to respond your contract unless expressly stated. Those obligations may be enforceable separately It is a condition communicate with you in a timely manner, addition to obligations applying under a relevant and we will give you

IGIDR: Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research · 22 July 2024 English

The renewal will be at the sole discretion of the IGIDR and based on the performance of the bidder during the contract period. [...] ● If the selected bidder is …

Bank Guarantee. The Bidder shall perform its obligations under the agreement entered into with the IGIDR Bank Guarantee. The Bidder shall perform its obligations under the agreement entered into with the IGIDR Agreement shall be valid till all contractual obligations are fulfilled. The Integrity Pact Agreement submitted not assign to anyone, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under the BID/contract, except with non-performance of undertakings, warranties, covenants or obligations by the bidder; Any contravention or Non-compliance

Australian Energy Market Operator · 22 July 2024 English

The scenarios, and the inputs and assumptions that apply in each scenario, will be published in the 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR) and consulted on in accordance with …

planning purposes, particularly to meet Rules obligations, AEMO’s scenarios do not seek to evaluate the Australia’s commitments to international climate obligations. © AEMO 2024 Page 10 of 15 https://aemo.com.

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