
An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial, marine, or celestial events. Astronomy, climatology/meteorology, geophysical, oceanography and volcanology are examples of disciplines for which observatories have been constructed. Historically, observatories were as simple as containing an astronomical sextant (for measuring the distance between stars) or Stonehenge (which has some alignments on astronomical phenomena).



CAPS: Centre for Air Power Studies · 3 July 2024 English

Evolution of SPacE activitiES The journey into space began with the launch of sputnik 1 in 1957, marking the start of a space race between the United states and the …

furthermore, space debris or space optical-infra-red observatories can weather occurrences. be found in bengaluru

World Bank Group · 27 June 2024 English

27-Nov-2023 20.00 Dec/2027 Use of data from digital observatories to inform policy and operational procedures analysis and data generated by the digital observatories. Status in June 2024: Not yet due, but there hired mid- CY 2024 to define the concept of the observatories Component 2: Modernization of Irrigation and

EU: European Union · 27 June 2024 English

The Social Climate Fund Regulation (Article 5(1)) stipulates that Member States are required to (1) conduct a public consultation with key stakeholders (e.g. local and regional authorities, representatives of economic …

innovation institutions National energy poverty observatories, national statistical offices (relevant departments)

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

Addressing energy poverty has emerged as one of the main challenges for Bulgaria's poverty and social inclusion policy, particularly in the context of the European Green Deal and the current …

other European countries with national Energy Observatories (Belgium, France). One possibility would be

EU: European Union · 26 June 2024 English

This study investigates the potential role of a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in Water, Marine, and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems (WMM) under the European Institute of Innovation and Technology …

coverage and encourage the creation of drought observatories within EU Member States. Socio-economic developments projects in the emerging field of citizen observatories, the Citizen Observatory on Drought (2020-2021)

World Bank Group · 26 June 2024 English

Developing guidance and tools to assess and monitor regional transport corridors performance is among the priority activities of the Africa Transport Policy Program Fourth Development Plan (SSATP-DP4) strategy. Corridor performance …

Monitoring Systems 26 4.1. Corridor Transport Observatories 26 4.1.1 Central Corridor Transport Observatory 1.7 Effectiveness of the Corridor Transport Observatories 31 4.1.8 Areas Requiring Strengthening 32 Recommendations 60 5.1. Corridor Transport Observatories 61 5.2. Corridor Trip Monitoring System 62 monitoring instruments: (a) the corridor transport observatories (CTOs), (b) the Tripartite Transport and Transit facilitation. Both agencies have developed online observatories with dashboards intended to provide weekly

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 English

The toolkit complements the Handbook ofTerritorial and Local Development Strategiesand the Handbook of Sustainable UrbanDevelopment Strategies developed bythe Joint Research Centre in collaborationwith DG REGIO. The three documents arestructured on …

project design Practical insights Tools • Data observatories to support monitoring and evaluation of supra- ‘soft’ projects such as metropolitan data observatories (Kraków Metropolitan Area) or centres for climate

World Bank Group · 24 June 2024 English

Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação) OSD Observatories of School Dropouts (Observatórios de Evasão schools. While the original design supported Observatories of School Dropouts, Early Warning System, and

World Bank Group · 21 June 2024 English

The global rise of non-standard forms of employment (NSE) and gig work creates opportunities and challenges for the labor market and requires public policy responses to realize their benefits and …

prevalent, the traditional functions of labor observatories and career guidance can be enhanced to help

World Bank Group · 20 June 2024 English

strengthening of the Recipient’s national coastal observatories; and (vii) the establishment and strengthening

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