Oral History

Oral history is the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, or everyday life using audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of planned interviews. These interviews are conducted with people who participated in or observed past events and whose memories and perceptions of these are to be preserved as an aural record for future generations. Oral history strives to obtain information from different perspectives and most of these cannot be found in written sources. Oral history also refers to information gathered in this manner and to a written work (published or unpublished) based on such data, often preserved …



MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 23 July 2024 English

This created a real estate bubble that artificially inflated the price of real estate.2 When it burst in 1991, the bubble triggered a deflationary crisis within the economy which led …

Deflation, and Long-term Stagnation —Review of An Oral History Study—”, ESRI Research Note, Economic and Social

The Aspen Institute · 12 June 2024 English

Narratives help us understand the world. They shape our identities, our aspirations, and our sense of purpose. They can offer or preclude hope. We need narratives of America that are …

parents to not only lay hold of this critical oral history but also to pass it on to me. To understand

Yoorrook Justice Commission · 10 June 2024 English

Could I just tender the relevant documents for yesterday's witnesses? So there's a collection of documents relevant to the evidence of staff of the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service, and there …

records being kept but despite this, we know from oral history, from autobiography, from personal accounts

Lowitja Institute · 4 June 2024 English

Acknowledging the legacy of This historical and contemporary legacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in unethical research practice has resulted in a lack prioritising and advancing Aboriginal and …

Islander Health Research: A Brief Documentary and Oral History. Discussion Paper No.7, VicHealth Koori Health

RSF: Russell Sage Foundation · 1 June 2024 English

We consider two local reparations cases—the Evanston Restorative Housing Program and Chicago reparations for police torture survivors. We argue that the programs are shaped by the differing political opportunities, the …

formerly enslaved people, a discourse and oral history tradition has endured in Black commu- nities

RSF: Russell Sage Foundation · 1 June 2024 English

By describing how the federal urban renewal program harmed displaced tenants and property owners, this article intends to encourage discussion of potential remedies by study groups, commissions, and community activists. …

damages that Fullilove uncovered. The Newburgh Oral History Project is one example of how descen- dants

World Bank Group · 31 May 2024 English

Ownership of customary land is determined by oral history, genealogy, and kinship and descent ties which

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 17 May 2024 English

This study examines the rise of private health insurance in the United States in the post- World War II era. We investigate the role of the American Medical Association (AMA) …

state-sponsored health insurance, Clem Whitaker Jr. in an oral history interview for the State of California noted:

Yoorrook Justice Commission · 13 May 2024 English

waters all 35 go down like it really. [...] There is photos of them standing in 5 the canoes, and oral history, and - MR McAVOY SC: And Tom Farrant, do you know - do you have somebody - UNCLE BRENDAN KENNEDY:

photos of them standing in 5 the canoes, and oral history, and - MR McAVOY SC: And Tom Farrant, do you histories. 45 UNCLE BRENDAN KENNEDY: No. The oral history is that George Ivanhoe had up to 20 siblings reasons. European medical reasons. But in our oral history something bad happened over there. 10 MR McAVOY massacred? 35 UNCLE BRENDAN KENNEDY: This is oral history told from my father and his work colleagues

The Australia Institute · 10 May 2024

Similar to the Code of Conduct for Members of the Parliament of Tasmania, the Nolan Principles are a succinct set of seven principles to guide the conduct of public officers. …

edu.au/1602/; Inglis (2018) From the ashes: An oral history of the Rundle government, https://www.examiner examiner.com.au/story/5248063/from-the-ashes-an-oral-history-of-the-rundle-government/ Democracy Agenda for Periphery; Inglis (2018) From the ashes: An oral history of the Rundle government 18 Department of State

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