Regression Analysis

In statistical modeling, regression analysis is a set of statistical processes for estimating the relationships between a dependent variable (often called the 'outcome variable') and one or more independent variables (often called 'predictors', 'covariates', or 'features'). The most common form of regression analysis is linear regression, in which a researcher finds the line (or a more complex linear combination) that most closely fits the data according to a specific mathematical criterion. For example, the method of ordinary least squares computes the unique line (or hyperplane) that minimizes the sum of squared differences between the true data and that line (or …



RSF: Russell Sage Foundation · 1 September 2024 English

We develop a novel application of machine learning and apply it to the interview transcripts from the American Voices Project (N = 1,396), using discourse atom topic modeling to explore …

the findings from the hierarchical linear regression analysis predict- ing family talk by line based on

EU: European Union · 29 August 2024 English

We build a model of the aggregate housing and rental markets in which house prices and rents are determined endogenously. Households can choose their housing tenure status (renters, homeowners, or …

section, we describe the data used in our regression analysis, provide additional non-parametric evidence This statement was formally verified in our regression analysis in Section 3.1. A. House price growth B.

World Bank Group · 29 August 2024 English

While financial sector risks in the larger and higher per capita countries are moderate, half of lower-income countries face significant risks over the next 12 months. Nearly 70 percent of …

growth potential of the private sector. Regression analysis, encompassing 1,692 banks in EMDEs, indicates

World Bank Group · 29 August 2024 English

In the wake of COVID-19, tourism on Bonaire is showing signs of rapid and near-complete recovery. At the same time, the population has continued to grow significantly. In 2019 and …

Capacity challenges findings. 6. Utilizing regression analysis, a growth model was developed and used to

IADB: Inter-American Development Bank · 27 August 2024 English

Prolonged hospital stays, or hospital stays that are longer than medically necessary, are a major concern for patients, payers, and providers. We conceptualize and empirically estimate the prevalence and cost …

estimating the expected length of stay through regression analysis, or utilizing machine learning techniques

EC: European Commission · 26 August 2024 English

Diets are a significant contributor to malnutrition in all its forms. Moreover, changes in food consumption create opportunities and challenges for agrifood systems. An improved understanding of diets is therefore …

............................... 18 4.2 Regression analysis ........................................ vegetables (in grams per AE/day) 4.2 Regression analysis Figure 10 displays the estimated coefficients

RAND Corporation · 26 August 2024 English

This paper introduces an economic model to describe hospital nurses' supply and wage dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The model illustrates how the pandemic disrupted nurse demand, supply, and wages …

Markets Models Models based on empirical regression analysis have been used to describe COVID-19 epidemiology

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 26 August 2024 English

The industrial policy measure “Made in China 2025” significantly promotes green innovation in enterprises.

estimations (O’brien, 2007). Before conducting regression analysis in this study, multicollinearity is tested

GRADE: Government Revenue and Development Estimations · 25 August 2024 English

When government revenue is diverted to service debt, this negatively impacts the government’s ability to meet human rights obligations. However, creditor and debtor countries hold divergent views on whether debt …

status in Sub Saharan Africa: a panel data regression analysis. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2015 Sep 21

ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN & East Asia · 23 August 2024 English

ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 13

Brent crude oil price. We performed a linear regression analysis of the estimated historical average gasoline

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