River Basins

A drainage basin is any area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet, such as into a river, bay, or other body of water. The drainage basin includes all the surface water from rain runoff, snowmelt, hail, sleet and nearby streams that run downslope towards the shared outlet, as well as the groundwater underneath the earth's surface. Drainage basins connect into other drainage basins at lower elevations in a hierarchical pattern, with smaller sub-drainage basins, which in turn drain into another common outlet.Other terms for drainage basin are catchment area, catchment basin, drainage area, river …



EC: European Commission · 22 April 2024 English

While focusing on a comprehensive overview of conditions in Europe, the European State of the Climate (ESOTC) also looks at conditions for the Arctic and provides an overview of the …

near-record high river flows were seen in major river basins due to a series of storms between October and

CSEP: Centre for Social and Economic Progress · 22 April 2024 English

The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) conducts in-depth, policy-relevant research and provides evidence- based recommendations to the challenges facing India and the world. [...] CSEP is based in …

The hydrologic basins represent the global river basins (with a few regions such as Antarctica not being

WWF Indonesia · 22 April 2024 English

The role is to identify these projects and to engage with the relevant stakeholders as well as to work with the relevant team such as the ESSF team and thematic/ …

help to create a direct positive impact on the river basins and forestry landscapes we try to protect. Eventually

HPA: Water Policy Association · 11 April 2024 English

However, the invasion of the Soviets of Afghanistan and then the political and economic instability caused by civil wars in the country led to the long-term postponement of the project. …

security of Central Asian countries. In these river basins, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

PIK: Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung · 11 April 2024 German

Das Einzugsgebiet der Spree ist hydrologisch und wasserwirtschaftlich stark von der Entwicklung von Braunkohleförderung und –verstromung, verbunden mit Grundwasserabsenkungen, Versickerungsverlusten, Sümpfungswassereinleitungen, Kühlwassernutzung in thermischen Kraftwerken sowie Flutung ehemaliger Tagebaue, einem …

climate change can be reliably estimated in river basins heavily anthropogenically influenced using of Inte- grated Water Resources Management in River Basins Influenced by Mining Activities in Lower Lusatia changes under climate change in 12 large- scale river basins. Climatic Change 141 (3), 419-433. DOI:10

PIK: Potsdam-Institut fur Klimafolgenforschung · 11 April 2024 English

Climate change–induced precipitation anomalies during extremely wet years (EWYs) result in substantial nitrogen losses to aquatic ecosystems (Nw). Still, the extent and drivers of these losses, and effective mitigation strategies …

data into FPUs, which were defined based on river basins and economic regions in- troduced by Cai and

IHRP: International Human Rights Program, University of Toronto · 10 April 2024 English

The granting of such a permit primarily depends on ZKHWKHU WKH FRPSDQ\¶V proposed activities align with the purpose of the community forest, the goals of the Forest Management Plan and …

TFCA´ LV ORFDWHG ZLWKLQ the Kavango and Zambezi river basins, where Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and water in large territorial spaces, including river basins or aquifers that extend beyond the boundaries

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