
The Tamil people, also known as Tamilar (Tamil: தமிழர், romanized: Tamiḻar, pronounced [tamiɻaɾ] in the singular or தமிழர்கள், Tamiḻarkaḷ, [tamiɻaɾxaɭ] in the plural) or simply Tamils (), are a Dravidian ethno-linguistic group who trace their ancestry to the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Union territory of Puducherry or to Sri Lanka. Tamils constitute 5.9% of the population in India (concentrated mainly in Tamil Nadu), 15% in Sri Lanka, 6% in Mauritius, 7% in Malaysia and 5% in Singapore. Tamils, with a population of around 76 million and with a documented history stretching back over 2,000 years, are one of …



IEP: Institute for Economics & Peace · 4 June 2024 English

as the least peaceful country in the world, with the country having fallen 24 places in the rankings since the inception The GPI uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from …

seeking to support a multitude of actors in the Tamils detained in internment camps.8 civil war. The economic

Amnesty International · 20 May 2024 English

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, concluded a five-day visit to Sri Lanka today, in which she met with officials and a diverse cross-section of society, stakeholders to discuss a …

the end of war and the suffering endured by the Tamils in the lead up Recently added Sudan: UN and African

Amnesty International · 18 May 2024 English

15 years ago, countless civilian lives were lost during the last days of the war in Sri Lanka

enforced disappearances and acts of torture against Tamils suspected of links to the Liberation Tigers of Mullivaikkal brings together thousands of war-affected Tamils to commemorate those lost to the war and demand

Amnesty International · 16 May 2024 English

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, will make her first regional visit to South Asia from 16 to 24 May 2024.

she will be joining the thousands of war-affected Tamils who will be commemorating all those lost to the

ActionAid Association (India) · 29 April 2024 English

Definition of Construction Workers The definition of construction workers in the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996 should be amended and expanded in line with supply and value chains …

various Asian and African nations, with Sri Lankan Tamils, Tibetans, Afghans, Chin, and Rohingya from Myanmar

MRG: Minority Rights Group International · 24 April 2024 English

The second period begins with Not all the Spaniards were indifferent to the way the Indians were treate the 19th century and extends to the present. [...] of smallpox, reportedly …

insight''; 'the best analysis '" - • No. 25 The Tamils of Sri Lanka (Revised 1988 edition) - 'a warning

Amnesty International · 23 April 2024 Chinese

This report documents human rights concerns during 2023 in 155 countries, connecting issues at global and regional levels and looking forward to the implications for the future. States and armed …

保健和其他基本需求成为日常挑战,特 别是对于日薪收入者和马拉亚哈泰米尔人(Malaiyaha Tamils)来说。阿富汗的人道 主义危机加深,令人担心的是本已很多的依赖人道主义援助的人数会进一步增加,但

ActionAid Association (India) · 21 April 2024 English

Definition of Construction Workers The definition of construction workers in the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996 should be amended and expanded in line with supply and value chains …

various Asian and African nations, with Sri Lankan Tamils, Tibetans, Afghans, Chin, and Rohingya from Myanmar

MRG: Minority Rights Group International · 18 April 2024 English

Professor Ed Garcia of the this war of attrition is to cease, the Christian majority Department of Political Science, University of the must allow for the development of Lumad and …

Minorities The Sikhs The Jews of Africa and Asia The Tamils of Sri Lanka Language, Literacy and Minorities

MRG: Minority Rights Group International · 18 April 2024 English

At the same time, 'intergroup' behaviour contribute, in their turn, to the as the political and social changes which recently occurred present and the future of the r~lations between the …

Minorities The Sikhs Minorities and Human Rights Law The Tamils of Sri Lanka Race and Law in Britain and the US

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