Tax Evasion

Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations, and trusts. Tax evasion often entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and it includes dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions. Tax evasion is an activity commonly associated with the informal economy. One measure of the extent of tax evasion (the "tax gap") is the amount of unreported income, which is the difference between the amount of income that should be reported to the …



NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) · 22 July 2024 English

The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the …

monitor the Kautilya tax system and investigate tax evasion. It would red -flag discrepancies and outliers

NCAER: National Council of Applied Economic Research · 18 July 2024 English

The development of the Punjab economy, as driven by the evolution of the GR and its impacts on the wider economy, has resulted in a mixed picture regarding growth of …

policy-making process to identify sources of tax evasion. Proper auditing of goods and services entering

World Bank Group · 17 July 2024 English

This report includes a special focus chapter focused on the dynamics of the Moroccan private sector. It is based on the results of an analysis jointly conducted with the Moroccan …

administration is leading an effort to combat fraud and tax evasion, and the outcomes are beginning to show in the

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme · 17 July 2024 English

The 2nd Global Progress Report on SDG16 Indicators represents a unique and pivotal UN inter-agency effort toward supporting the realization of the 2030 Agenda. This report reveals critical trends that, …

(e.g.,originate from criminal activities or tax evasion), illicitly transferred (e.g., violating currency

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

Economic growth has recovered. The Moroccan economy has shown resilience in the face of various challenges, including a slowdown in the global economy, an inflation shock, and the Al Haouz …

administration is leading an effort to combat fraud and tax evasion, and the outcomes are beginning to show in the

World Bank Group · 16 July 2024 English

improving the quality of spending and reducing tax evasion which will be critical to address its persistent ability to control current spending and reduce tax evasion. Given the state’s vulnerability to climate

NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research · 11 July 2024 English

We study how people's beliefs about the economy covary with household-level events, utilizing a unique link between Danish administrative data and a large-scale survey of consumer expectations. We find that …

are subject to third-party reporting. Further, tax evasion is very low in Denmark (Kleven et al., 2011)

SPDC: Social Policy and Development Centre · 5 July 2024

contentious issue in Pakistan, with the government concerned about lost KEY MESSAGES revenue due to tax evasion and the industry arguing that high taxes lead to increased illicit due to lax tax • The extent

APO: Asian Productivity Organization · 5 July 2024 English

It aims to scrutinize the adoption and impact of advanced technologies, such as IoT and AI, focusing on their influence on productivity, sustainability, and the diverse challenges and opportunities in …

an economy already grappling with pervasive tax evasion. This consequential reduction in the taxpayer

CIGS: Canon Institute for Global Studies · 2 July 2024 English

We focus our study on the following questions: What is the interplay between the slowdown in low- skill immigration, the reduction in the skill premium and the decision of native …

the Size, Growth and Determinants of Income Tax Evasion in the U.S. Munich Personal RePEc Archive 29672

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