
Vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain a microorganism or virus in a weakened, live or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism. In stimulating the body's adaptive immunity, they help prevent sickness from an infectious disease. When a sufficiently large percentage of a population has been vaccinated, herd immunity results. Herd immunity protects those who may be immunocompromised and cannot get a vaccine because even a weakened version would harm them. The effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied and verified. Vaccination is the most …



WHO: World Health Organization · 7 October 2024 English

ix, 57 p.

....................................... 34 Vaccination ............................................ factors, NCDs, chronic infectious diseases, vaccination against COVID-19, number of deaths, and cause infection, TB and chronic viral liver diseases), vaccination against COVID-19, number of deaths, cause of according to WHO. 3. One study reported data on vaccination against COVID-19, mentioning that only 3 of the emergencies. Vaccination Even though in this review we did not analyse data on vaccination against COVID-19

WHO: World Health Organization · 6 October 2024 English

xvi, 174 p.

countries in the WHO African Region administered vaccination for measles, but not all of them vaccinated

WHO: World Health Organization · 4 October 2024 French


gascar a intégré l’AMM dans les campagnes de vaccination contre la poliomyélite: le programme de lutte administrés dans le cadre des activités de vaccination supplémentaire contre la poliomyélite et d’une d’une intensification périodique de la vaccination systématique accompagnée d’une supplémenta- tion en

EU: European Union · 4 October 2024 English

required identification systems and proof of vaccination. Industry and relevant stakeholders (notably

EU: European Union · 4 October 2024 English

regards the approval of the disease-free and non-vaccination status of certain Member States or zones or referred to in point (e), shall indicate whether vaccination against the category A disease(s) for which the out or not, with a description of the related vaccination schemes, and shall include emergency plans to any visitor; (iv) information concerning any vaccination programmes applied, including the type of vaccine carry out the tests, taking into account the vaccination status of the birds and the types of vaccines

WHO: World Health Organization · 4 October 2024 English

inadequate funding for surveillance activities. A vaccination rollout is planned for 8 October 2024, prioritizing capacity to key regions. Rwanda conducted a vaccination campaign in the last week of September, vaccinating contact tracing tool in Goma to support upcoming vaccination campaigns in North Kivu. The completion of the highest standards of care are met. In the Vaccination pillar, extensive preparation for vaccine deployment vaccine use. Furthermore, tools to support the vaccination process—including DHIS-2 tracker templates and

WHO: World Health Organization · 4 October 2024 French

14 p

gascar a intégré l’AMM dans les campagnes de vaccination contre la poliomyélite: le programme de lutte administrés dans le cadre des activités de vaccination supplémentaire contre la poliomyélite et d’une d’une intensification périodique de la vaccination systématique accompagnée d’une supplémenta- tion en

EU: European Union · 3 October 2024 English

products, after France started a nation-wide vaccination against Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in

World Bank Group · 2 October 2024 English

also aims at enhancing the effectiveness of the vaccination scheme linked to the Comprehensive Health Care

World Bank Group · 2 October 2024 French

-21 44 août-21 002 3 2,1 Assistant technique Vaccination Consultant 345 individuel Ouverte Nationale 1,2 Gestion des déchets de la campagne de vaccination contre la Covid-19 Services Autres que des technique complémentaire pour la campagne de vaccination contre la Covid-19 (OMS) Consultant 200 UN surveillance des maladies évitables par la vaccination) Fournitures 141 DC post juil.-21 #N/A #N/APlan surveillance des maladies évitables par la vaccination Services Autres que des Services de Consultants

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