cover image: Land and the Road to Decarbonisation and Resilience. Synergy brief - November 2023


Land and the Road to Decarbonisation and Resilience. Synergy brief - November 2023

27 Nov 2023

6 S Y N E R G Y B R I E F | Land and the Road to Decarbonisation and Resilience | UNCCD and UNFCCC Working Together Policies and commitments to accelerate the transforma- tion of food systems so they are more sustainable and Argentina: Creating a New Food resilient are included in LDN targets,39 in NDCs40 and Paradigm42 NAPs.41 These often share common themes and have The Union of Land Workers is. [...] These limitations and the gender-differentiated impacts of climate change and land degradation put additional burdens on women and their households who directly rely on land and natural resources for their livelihoods.43 Parties to both conventions have committed to ensure that decisions on the design and implementation of policies, projects, and programmes are taken with the participation of loca. [...] The Women and Gender The principal objective of Constituency works to ensure that the multi-stakeholder Gender women’s voices and their rights Caucus is to provide support to are embedded in all processes Parties and to strengthen the of the UNFCCC for a sustainable gender responsiveness of the and just future, while ensuring policy and programme agenda that gender equality and women’s of the UNCC. [...] A unified approach would induce countries to assess and map the health and productivity of their natural capital and identify the best ways and means to address land degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss through coordinated mitiga- tion and adaptation interventions.55 10 S Y N E R G Y B R I E F | Land and the Road to Decarbonisation and Resilience | UNCCD and UNFCCC Working Together I. [...] Parties and stakeholders can work together to enhance planning and policy coherence between the land and climate agendas to reduce emissions, increase carbon storage, and build resilience for people and the planet.



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