cover image: Caroline Hornstein Tomić Maja Kurilić Dora Bagić


Caroline Hornstein Tomić Maja Kurilić Dora Bagić

16 Nov 2023

Thus, Croatia has turned from a country of mere emigration to a country of emigration and im- migration, a fact that will bear consequences to the social fabric of the so- ciety, the social and educational systems, which have not been understood yet completely by a lot of people, and to which the country must prepare itself for. [...] Age structure of the emigrant population The age structure of Croatia’s emigrant population is a recurring topic in expert debate Researchers regularly alert the public to the ever-increasing participation of a young segment of the population in emigration compared to their share in the overall population, in the light of societal ageing (Jurić, 2018; izekenova et al , 2015) The 2021 census indica. [...] I moved pretty often, I travelled back and forth, from Croatia to Vienna, it was a bit tiring and I knew I couldn’t com- mit one hundred percent to Vienna and if I chose to stay I would be doomed to travel back and forth, and so I decided to come back here to be closer to my family, to my girlfriend, and I was very… let’s say optimistic about life in Croatia. [...] And so, in the end, in April of 2019, I got that first job which is not the one I’m doing now.61 Remigrants who had chosen to live in Croatia for a limited period mostly worked remotely for a foreign employer or were self-employed in rare cases did they consider or take on employment locally in the context of the CoViD-19 pan- demic, young people in the early stages of their careers and university. [...] lea grew up in the US and is now in her early twenties She moved to Croatia in 2020: The most positive aspects are being close to the Croatian part of my family and friends, close to the coast, much cheaper living costs than I would pay in Germany or the US.
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