cover image: State and City Food Waste Reduction Goals: Context, Best Practices, and Precedents


State and City Food Waste Reduction Goals: Context, Best Practices, and Precedents

1 Jan 2024

ELI’s Food Waste Initiative is publishing a Research Brief Series to present takeaways from the Initiative’s research, spanning a range of topics important to food waste prevention, recovery, and recycling. To access other research briefs in the series, visit: State and City Food Waste Reduction Goals: Context, Best Practices, and Precedents reviews the status of food waste reduction goals in the United States. The brief covers EPA's recent food loss and waste reduction goal, best practices for setting food waste reduction targets, and relevant precedents at the state and city level.
food waste initiative food waste state and local government food waste reduction sustainability targets


Carol Adaire Jones

Published in
United States of America