cover image: Wildfire, Power Shutoff, and Residential Energy Storage Adoption


Wildfire, Power Shutoff, and Residential Energy Storage Adoption

22 Dec 2023

The identification of this study stems from exogenous variations in the duration of PSPSs in the previous month. [...] 5 deviations in PSPS duration or wildfire damage in the previous month compared to the average over the preceding year or the level of the same month of the previous year. [...] Thus, I measure individuals’ expectations of regular power reliability in two ways: the average monthly PSPS duration in the previous year and the PSPS duration in the same month of the previous year. [...] To capture the potential impact of SGIP funding availability on the demand for storage systems over time, I control for the year-month trends specific to the eligible zones for the two budgets, using the SGIP Eligibility Mapping Tool from the CPUC. [...] Panel B plots the estimated coefficients and the standard deviation of the additional differences across the two regions relative to the baseline difference in June across calendar months in a year, controlling for the city fixed effects and the year-month fixed effects.


Xu Minhong

Published in
United States of America