cover image: P olicy  B rief


P olicy B rief

17 Jan 2024

In fact, among the many objectives of Bogle’s Tibet mission was to become informed of the In the last quar ter of the 18th centur y, course and navigation of the Burramputra (River Warren Hastings, the first de facto Governor- Brahmaputra) and of the state of the countries General of India from 1774 to 1785, initiated through which it ran.7 By this time, in 1775, and set up the English East India. [...] In the event of The British Sur vey of India maps showed a quarrels between Tibetan and Gurkha border between Nepal and Tibet which served subjects, the high of ficials of the two as an acceptable de facto border in the absence Governments would sit together and jointly of control of the Himalayan area by either try the cases. [...] The 1950 Agreement to Maintain Friendly •A fter conclusion of the Treaty, neither Relations between Nepal and the People’s Government would take vengeance on Republic of China the persons or proper ty of the Tibetan subjects who may have joined the Gurkha Following the signing of the 17-Point Government during the recent war, or on Agreement between China and Tibet after the persons or property of. [...] The PRC established diplomatic ties with Nepal in 1955, and the Following the Nepal-Tibet War and the signing political transition abrogated the Treaty of of the 1856 treaty, the Gurkha Kingdom adopted Thapathali and all the previous treaties that a policy of isolation, and the relationship Nepal had signed with Tibet. [...] of the above-mentioned protocol, the tasks of the Joint China-Nepal Boundary Commission would The 1963 Protocol to the Nepal-China be terminated, and the agreement of March Boundary Treaty 1960 between the two parties on the question of the boundary between the two countries would A Protocol to the Nepal-China Boundar y 30 Ibid.
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