cover image: Drones for Surveillance to Strikes: Assessing the Impact through the Lens of Russia–Ukraine War


Drones for Surveillance to Strikes: Assessing the Impact through the Lens of Russia–Ukraine War

25 Jan 2024

The Brief places in context the multifaceted role being played by drones in the Russia–Ukraine War and the impact of unmanned systems on the future of warfare. [...] In the clip, the blades of the Russian quadcopter rupture and it crashes on the ground.3 The year 2022 also saw first recorded case of a loss of fighter jet because of hit by shrapnel from an exploding drone. [...] It is reported that a Ukrainian MiG-29 shot down a Geran-2 (or Shahed-136) and when the drone exploded, apparently the MiG-29 was hit by the shrapnel from the exploding Geran-2 and crashed when the pilot lost control of the aircraft.4 Russia–Ukraine War does not have the distinction of use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the first time in combat. [...] The attack by canoe-sized marine drones was an innovative concept and the impact of the attack exceeded the physical destruction caused to the Russian navy.9 Each of these boats mounted an electro- optical/infrared periscope and a Starlink satellite communications antenna which enabled transmission of multiple video feeds and helped in piloting over long distances.10 Some of the leading analysts h. [...] The novelty of Ukrainian operations lies in the use of off-the-shelf, non-military grade equipment to maximum effect and bridge the asymmetry in the capabilities with the Russian forces.
unmanned aerial vehicle (uav); russia-ukraine relations; technology


Col Rajneesh Singh

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