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Opinion - Assessing the Origins I - of COVID-19: Insights from the US

29 Jan 2024

The report, titled “Potential Links Intelligence Between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Community was declassified and made public by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Rohit Sharma in response to the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023. [...] 1Nevertheless, from animals to humans, the Department the report has not furnished conclusive of Energy and the Federal Bureau of evidence regarding the origin, and it appears Investigation (FBI) conclude that the that the intelligence community itself is virus originated from a "laboratory- divided on the matter. [...] Journal on Chemical and Biological Weapons 18 capacities, and the activities undertaken by The report also noted that during the Fall of its personnel in the period leading up to and 2019, a number of researchers within the during the initial stages of the COVID-19 laboratory fell ill, exhibiting symptoms that pandemic. [...] intelligence community in June 2023 The experimental work conducted at the shed some light on the contentious issue of WIV had raised concerns even prior to the the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. [...] Ultimately, this report’s release has not clarified the origins of the To examine the credibility of the accusations pandemic and leaves the debate ongoing.



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