cover image: The European Union Policy Toolbox to Support Just Transition - Elena Verdolini, Wesley Look, Chiara Belpietro, and Giulia Persico


The European Union Policy Toolbox to Support Just Transition - Elena Verdolini, Wesley Look, Chiara Belpietro, and Giulia Persico

7 Feb 2024

Overview of EU Policymaking and the EU Budget Understanding the relevance of past and current European policies and programs in the context of just transition requires being familiar with key aspects of European-level policymaking and how member states and the European political bodies interact and share policymaking “competence” (what we might think of as “jurisdiction” in the US context). [...] The objectives of this initiative are to support the identification and development of projects and strategies for successful transformation of coal-mining and other carbon-intensive regions and to facilitate sharing of best practices, peer-to-peer learning, and new partnerships with the aim of kick-starting the process of diversification and transition (EIB 2020). [...] 7 In 2021, the European Social Fund was transformed into the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), running for the period 2021–2027, by merging the existing European Social Fund with the EU Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) and the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). [...] Among the interventions were work on the tailings dam, an embankment used for storing the often toxic by-products of the mining operation; chemical and radiological decontamination of the soil and subsoil around the buildings and historically significant equipment in the complex; structural work to stabilize the buildings; improvement in the collection and transport of leachate (a liquid containin. [...] The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 in the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, and the resulting energy price shock, had important implications for the ability of the Commission to pursue many of its political priorities, including those related to the EU energy transition and the debate around issues of fairness for workers and communities.
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