cover image: Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises: The Effective Delivery of Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions in Asia and the


Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises: The Effective Delivery of Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions in Asia and the

19 Feb 2024

Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Eradicating Poverty in Times of Multiple Crises: The Effective Delivery of Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions in Asia and the Pacific with Young People at the Forefront WHO ARE WE? forum is indicative of the strength of young people’s commitment to the attainment of the sustainable We are an intersectional group of over 450 y. [...] The world’s young people.4 However, young people’s aim of the Summit is to build upon the SDG Summit sustainable development in the region has been deeply and deliver an action-oriented Pact for the Future impacted by the lack of decision-making spaces and to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable unavailability of avenues for meaningful participation Development Goals. [...] In production, contribute to food security, and Asia and the Pacific region, progress has been made create sustainable livelihoods and establish towards the goal but has lagged behind the global food innovation hubs that bring together young average, signalling the need for intensified efforts.23 researchers, entrepreneurs, and farmers to The region has made progress in education and explore innov. [...] Compile confidential information for further the Asia Pacific region, is concerning, especially with investigation and references, avoid public the number of conflicts rising, and the violations of disclosure and integrate technology and human rights, right to freedom of speech and right to innovative tools into the justice system to information. [...] Protect and promote the rights of civil society The Asia and the Pacific with more than 80% of organisations and independent media in the world’s disasters remains the most disaster promoting accountability, transparency, and good prone region in the world.27 Most developing and governance.
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