cover image: GGGI’S UPDATED STRATEGIC OUTCOME (SO) GUIDELINE - Frameworks and Methodologies for Development


GGGI’S UPDATED STRATEGIC OUTCOME (SO) GUIDELINE - Frameworks and Methodologies for Development

7 Feb 2024

Note: Evaluation in some instances involves the definition of appropriate standards, the examination Intermediate Outcome: The likely or achieved of performance against those standards, an assessment mid-term change and effects of GGGI intervention of actual and expected results, and the identification of outputs stated on GGGI’s Theory of Change. [...] The intention is to identify the factors of success or failure, Strategic Outcome: The likely, or achieved, long- Activity: Actions taken or work performed through Development Intervention: An instrument for partner to assess the sustainability of results and impacts, and to term change and effects of GGGI intervention which inputs, such as funds, technical assistance, and (donor and non-donor) su. [...] The established with the sole mandate of advancing the and impact of green growth balances aspects of guideline does not address the estimation of other green growth model in emerging and developing poverty reduction, social inclusion and equity, 1. [...] removed the distinction between Attributed and Contributed Strategic Outcomes to rename what Climate action and the transition to a low-carbon Considering this, GGGI has defined Strategic used to be attributed SOs as contributed Strategic economy - as well as the protection of biodiversity and Outcomes (SOs), that reflect the key aspects of Outcomes (SO). [...] THE STRATEGIC OUTCOMES (SO) AND GGGI’S THEORY OF CHANGE 2.1 Strategic Outcomes within GGGI’s Theory of Change GGGI uses two sets of development the above areas, and; outcomes - Intermediate Outcomes (IOs) and Strategic Outcomes (SOs).
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South Korea