cover image: GGGI Insight Brief: Nepal - The Terai Agribusiness and Enterprise Challenge Fund: Early Lessons and


GGGI Insight Brief: Nepal - The Terai Agribusiness and Enterprise Challenge Fund: Early Lessons and

8 Feb 2024

The overarching goal of the project is to facilitate the widespread adoption of climate-smart agriculture, aiming to reduce vulnerability and enhance food and job security, particularly for women, returned migrant workers, and youth in the Terai Flood Plain. [...] 2 | The TAECF is structured as a three-year program divided into the Incubation, Acceleration, and Championship stages planned for 2023, 2024, and 2025, respectively Figure 1: Implementation Modality In the course of identifying, capacitating, and supporting agribusinesses eligible for grants under the incubation program, GGGI has identified early challenges and lessons learned that have the poten. [...] This experience illustrated the significance of establishing strong partnerships with local government bodies and specialized knowledge centers to ensure not only effective dissemination of information but also to harness the collective expertise for the efficient execution of the project. [...] Avoiding frauds and malpractice Setting up and abiding by the minimum standards for selection (Annex 1 and 2) of applications was one of the first measures in avoiding any risks of fraud and malpractice. [...] It helped to leverage the resources of the TAECF Challenge Fund and maximize the impact of the supported projects and initiatives.
Published in
South Korea