cover image: Policy Incentives to Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal: Analysis and Recommendations


Policy Incentives to Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal: Analysis and Recommendations

22 Feb 2024

However, the size of the removal gap and the policy focus on near-term initial investments versus longer-term technological development and scaling up indicate a need to fortify current policies and consider longer-term policies to induce the required amounts of CDR capacity. [...] Resources for the Future 2 Section 7 explores the more ambitious midcentury CDR policy architecture needed to continue the transition to net zero and compares the options in terms of cost- effectiveness, equitability, and feasibility. [...] Fajardy and Mac Dowell 2018) show that the gross energy produced by the biomass combustion, minus the energy consumed by the carbon capture technology and the feedstock cultivation, preparation, and transport, can be less than half of the gross energy produced. [...] The IRA includes $100 million in additional funds for the Wood Innovation Grant program for the construction of new facilities “that advance the purposes of the program and for the hauling of material removed to reduce hazardous fuels to locations where that material can be utilized” (Subtitle D Sec. [...] The provisions for CCUS and novel CDR in the IIJA and IRA are included under Justice40, as are ongoing carbon capture and storage programs at the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.
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United States of America